<< V. D.>> ⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️

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Saturday, 8:00 a.m.

I'm up early, the pain, it doesn't let me sleep' when I got here at night I immediately collapsed and cry my emotions out, I cry till it lull me to sleep,.... So this is what heartbreak feels like, I thought they are just overreacting, but it's true, it's the worst

So I got up and stretch, I won't let this affect me

"Maybe I should just take a break and go to the town?.... Or maybe I could just visit my townhouse..." I mumbled to myself, maybe visiting my friends would help me, Yeah!

So I dress up and go to the Coaches office, I of course, knock first, I maybe lous and idiotic but I still have manners

"Come In" I heard him say, so I come inside and bow slightly

"Um...Coach, I'm going to my old town and I would probably be there until tomorrow so probably  I would come back on Monday, so I'm asking for permission to miss the practices, if it's alright" I said with a serious, average tone

He look taken a back but nonetheless said "Alright, I would allow it, but you better be here on Monday morning so that you would not miss your class"

"Yes" I replied then bow and go out

I go to my dorm room and saw that Kuramochi Senpai is awake, When he notice me he stare at me awkwardly, I just ignore him and pack my stuffs, he look shock and when I'm done and about to head out he stop me and said

"You didn't quit, do you?" I look at him and saw the kinda worried look on his face, I laugh, I laugh till I was rolling on the floor, an irk mark appear on his temple and shouted "Bakamura!"

After I laugh I inhale heavily from lack of air, then face him again and said "I would just visit my old town, Why are you worried about me quiting?" But he just kick me on my thigh and shrug before saying goodbye and take care

He got out and didn't return, me? I'm still packing, I'm looking for my phone since I can't left it here, when I successfully saw it, I grab it, get my bag and head out

When I go out I was surprise to see that everyone is there, well almost everyone, staring at me, Miyuki is not there for which I'm thankful for, he's the last person I wanted to see, Haruichi is the first to talk

"When will you come back Eijun-kun?" I just shrug and said "I should be back on Monday morning" he hug me and said take care

Next is Furuya, Yeah I'm surprise but what he said make me determined "When you come back I'm already the ace" I glare at him and said "No way!, I'm going to be the ace!, you can't be an ace for a short period of time!" Everyone just laugh

Then there's silence, I glance at my watch and see that it's 9:00 a.m. the train would leave at exactly 10:00 a.m

"So.... I should go..." They just nod and I left

While I was walking I'm glad that I have an understanding teammates, I'm glad that they accept me even if I'm..... Gay

They are standing outside while I go inside the bus, I wave them goodbye and they wave back at me

10:00, the train leaves at exactly 10:00 a.m.

I eventually find a seat and take a sit while looking at the window, I am thinking about Miyuki, about his words, his glare, it breaks my heart, but like a Masochist I still think about him and his girlfriend

I bet their happy, I bet they like each otherso much, If Miyuki already talk about us to her then they must have known each other for a long period of time, I wonder what he says about me, is he complimenting me?, Is he talking sh!t about my back, is he saying good things about me

Suddenly someone give me a handkerchief, white handkerchief to be exact, I look at the owner and saw a very beautiful girl

The girl have a pink hair that is short, it reaches her neck, rosy cheeks that is much more pink because of the blush on them, big blue eyes that is full of concern, genuine and sincerity in them, pink thin lips that makes me stare too long, average height, I think she's lower than me, fair skin that looks smooth, I sound like a pervert but I think it's true, she's wearing a yellow sweater and a red skirt that reaches her mid-thigh, cute doll shoes that is white, all in all she looks cute

"Here, Why are you crying?" She ask, her voice sound angelic, but what caught my attention is her question, for the first time I feel my face and felt that they are wet, grabbing the handkerchief I said, "Thanks" and wipe them on my tears, guess I really am hurt too much

"So care to tell me why you're crying?" She ask, I look at her and she look nice, She's emitting an aura that makes me trust her and be comfortable with her, so I told her my story while she listen quietly, I expect her to judge me, call me names, but instead she smiled at me and said

"Well he sound like a complete jerk!, he could at least say it nicely, If I'm him I would not reject you!, I mean look at you, you're so cute!, I would be glad to be your girlfriend..." I stare at her while she stare back, realizing what she just said, she quickly blush and said "I-I m-mean.....um....I'm just......um......Oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed"

I laugh at her while she hide her face on her hands, I shrug and said "So where do you live?" She look at me and said while blushing, "Na-Nagato" I stare at her and smile, her blush deepens, "Really I'm going there!, I actually live there, but I'm playing baseball and you know, I had to leave and go to Seidou" I told her

She beam when I said that and we eventually warm up with each other and started talking like we're long time best friends

I found out that we have so much in common, like she doesn't have a favorite band like me, she also have many friends that she have to left behind because of the scholarship she got from her favorite sport, she's also good at singing, she's also enthusiastic, and competitive, her favorite food is tempura, she also like the rain, not the thunderstorm but just a calm rain,she also enjoys hanging out with her friends and many more

The train eventually stops signaling that were at Nagato, I ask her if she wants to hangout again sometime and she said yes, I even got her number and her name!, her name is Kanzakki Haruka, it's cute just like her

Before we part ways I told her something and I watch as she blush, after that we parted ways and said that we would meet again on the park nearby

I smirk as I walk and look at the sky, I smiled again apwhen I remember what I told her

'You know I might be bi'

I think I like her, can't wait to know her more

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