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A/N:And they updated! Sorry bout that guys so without further ado, let's proceed to the story~

We said goodbye to Hiro and go back to our dorm, I didn't bother asking Miyuki about what happen earlier and instead I just focus on the task at hand, now, how on earth would I know who Miyuki is texting?

"If you think hard even though you don't have a brain you're gonna hurt your head" (A/N: anyone catch my drift? Lol)

"What did you say?!?" Miyuki only laugh and repeated what he said

"You don't have to repeat it! Stupid"

He only laugh louder


We arrive at our dorm and I headed straight to my bed, I hear Miyuki sigh before going on his own

"Night Miyuki"

"Night Sawamura"

We simultaneously said and he turn the lights off

I was about to sleep when his phone suddenly ring, shocked, I waited and eavesdrop, but then I hear Coach Kataoka's voice and the Miyuki say "Yes Coach"

Before I hear a thump sound, Miyuki sigh and said "I'm heading out Sawamura I have to report to the Coach"

"Ok" I replied, then I hear the door shut

If I'm not wrong and If I'm lucky, that thump sound that I hear is what I think it is, Making my way (A/N: Downtown, ok shutting up now) down, I look at Miyuki's bed and I'm not wrong and I sure as hell am lucky, There, abandoned on the bed, is Miyuki's phone.


I woke up early in the morning, I don't know what time Miyuki came back last night, I decided to go for a jog, I change my clothes, grab my phone and earphones before heading out

I stretched first, buy a soda on the vending machine before plugging my earphones in, then I started to move, and so does my thoughts


Ther, abandoned on the bed, is Miyuki's phone, I know it's wrong, I really did, but I just wanna know, I'm just curious

'Should I or Should I not?'

Quickly deciding, I grab Miyuki's phone and 'damn is it me or am I really lucky today?', I thought

Miyuki's phone is unlocked, I go straight to his message and my heart speed up

Let's break up


I know the truth

What truth?
You're not making any sense Kazuya

Don't try to deny it

Deny what?
Kazuya what's going on?
Are you alright?

I know you kiss him

Kiss? Him?
Miyuki what are you talking about?

Don't act dumb
Someone in my class said that they saw you kiss whoever that shit is

A minute pass since the time read, a 5 minute difference, the date stated that Miyuki send it the exact same day that I found Miyuki and he cried to me

I scroll down, since it's too many, and the text stops at the bottom, meaning it's the latest one, and it's just yesterday

It's just a dare, I told you!
Please believe me!
I'm sorry Ok?
Do you forgive me?

I clenched my teeth and with my heart beating fast, I read the next words

So are we together again?

I feel my eyes watering and my chest aching, while biting my lower lips, I read the next words



I turn up the volume of my phone, music is blasting from my earphones, I stop jogging to catch my breath and that's when it happens

With my hands on my bended knees, I feel that it's getting hard to breath, and while I desperately try to catch my breath. The first tear fell, followed by another, and another, until I'm a crying mess, I wipe my tears to stop them but they just keep flowing

As I continue wiping them, desperately trying to collect myself, while ignoring the pain that I feel on my chest, I continue to jog

'If I can't be your happiness, then I'll be your shoulder to cry on'

I promise that didn't I? So

'I'll be happy for you'

But still, it hurts, is this what they call love? If so, It hurts.

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