<< V. D. >> 18

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Short A/N: just a little spoiler guys ... Sh!ts are about to go down

Now without Further ado here's the story, enjoy~


Previously on V. D...

"Hey Sawamura! What are you doing texting Wakana or... Haruka?" I said the last part with a low tone, he visibly shudders and it makes me smirk

He open his mouth and without looking at me said

"What would you do if....if you found out that Yakuza is cheating on you?"


"What?, Why are you asking me that?" His statement made the smirk on my face dissappear, being replaced with a frown

He remain silent, I go near him and grab him by the collar

"I said, Why the hell did you ask me that?!?" by now I was furious, my hands are gripping his collar tightly, so tight that if it was his neck, he would be dead by now

He's still aren't looking at me, that piss me off, I push him against the wall, still gripping his collar

"Look at me"

He didn't, I pull him and push him again, making him gasp

"I said, look the fuck at me! "

I all but shouted, probably because of the shouting or the banging on the wall, but I heard running footsteps towards our dorm

The Devlin team members, who is dorming, open the door

Some of them go inside and tried to pull me away from Sawamura, but I'm not having it, I push them back, the others are shouting at us, some are just watching

"Go call Coach!"

I heard one of them say, but I'm still not letting go of Sawamura, I averted my gaze and glare at Sawamura when I feel him hold my right hand that's holding him up

"Le-Let-go" he said

I'm still not letting go, he look at me and said "Le-Let.... Go"

"Not before you answer my question"

He only stare at me

"What made you say that?!?"

I was calm now, deadly calm, calm before a storm, he gulp and slowly, reach his phone to his pocket and give it to me

I grab it by my left hand and then let go of him, he hurriedly gasp for air, guess I'm really chocking him, I go near him, expecting him to back away, but he didn't, he just aveted his gaze instead and said

"Look at the message Haruka just sent"

I frown at him before doing as he said, What I saw made me shock


I have to say....
Something to you


What is it Haruka?


I saw
I saw


You saw?


I saw Yakuza kissing Tomoya
on their classrom at lunch



I stop reading and look at him saying "You must be pretty damn happy about what happen" and I left

But when I turn back, I saw that he had his bangs covering eyes, paying him no mind, I head out

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