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A/N: hey guys! Guess who finally, FINALLY, got a free time? That's right!! Me!!!! Sorry for not being able to update regularly and fastly, anyways, here's a long chapter to make up for it, sorry if it's not that good but bear with me 😔, I hope you all like it and have a nice day! Enjoy!

Sawamura's POV

Me and Miyuki head out and walk together to the bus stop, where the bus that would take us back to the Seidou is waiting.

"Bye Sawamura, Miyuki" I turn back and saw Hiro, together with the coach.

I smiled at Hiro and Miyuki smiled too.

"Yeah, the next time that we met, it would be on the field, you better prepare yourselfs to lose" Miyuki stated.

"Likewise" replied Hiro while smiling.

I turn my gaze back and forth towards them. I don't get it, I mean, I'm not saying that I hate it but, it's just weird.

Miyuki seems to take a liking to Hiro. I mean, compared to when we're on the Devlin team, he seems much friendlier here. I wonder why?

Shaking those thoughts away, I go inside the bus and sit near the window, looking out, I saw that Miyuki and Hiro are still talking. Hiro said something to Miyuki that make Miyuki smile, not a smirk but a smile.

Staring at them for a few minutes, I averted my gaze and instead I just took out my earphones and plug it in my phone, a few minutes later, someone stop in front of me, blocking my view of the aisle, I look up and saw that it was Miyuki, I was about to ask him what he wants when he suddenly lean near me.

Miyuki have his right hand place next to my ear, his face is so near me that I think we are breathing the same air, I can smell his cologne from how near he is and it's so intoxicating, he lean more to the point where our nose are almost touching, we are staring at each others eyes, gaze not breaking, neither one speaking, my eyes widen and my heart starts beating fast.

"Um.. Miyuki.. Senpai?"

In one swift moment, he took one of my earphone and place it on his ear,

"You're just a daydream away
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you
And I'll keep you a daydream away
Just watch from a safe place
So I never have to lose"

"Nice song, didn't know you like this kinds of songs" Miyuki said before he remove the earphone in his ear and place it back on mine, then he stand straight before smirking and sitting next to me.

I sit there, frozen, still thinking about what just happen, Miyuki look at me and said "You alright Sawamura?"

Blinking, I look back at him and just nod, he laugh and said "You're awfully obedient today"

I just ignore him and instead, I just look out of the window. I hear him sigh and said "Alright then" and silence befall us

'Why are you like this? Miyuki?'


I can feel that someone is shaking me, opening my eyes, I look at who is it and saw that it was Miyuki, he's smirking and said "Finally the sleeping beauty is awake"

Rolling my eyes at him, I said "What is it? Why are you shaking me?"

He laugh and said "We've already arrive at Seidou, we're back."


"Wow, don't sound too excited Bakamura" Miyuki said sarcastically

I only roll my eyes at him again and said sarcastically "Yes I'm so excited to finally be away from you again"

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