<< V. D. >> 17

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Sawamura's POV

After our practice, I didn't wait up for Miyuki, instead I walk ahead of him towards the cafeteria, I sat down at our usual table, which is with the three first years, when Miyuki entered

I ignored him and instead just talk to the first years, at the corner of my eyes, I saw him sigh, take a tray and sit next to me, I'm still ignoring him

"Look.. I'm sorry Ok? I can't say no to the coach, he's the coach after all, but tomorrow, tomorrow I promise I'll practice with you"

I, of course, was listening to him, I turn to him and with a pout said "You also promise that you'll catch for me today!"

He looked surprised and... He laugh, laughed at me!

"What's so funny?!?" I ask angrily

"Hahah I didn't know that you want to have my attention so badly!" he continued laughing, it got louder when he saw my red face

I was thinking that that statement didn't just mean about earlier

'I needed his attention and not just on practice'

Miyuki's POV

After our practice, I said goodbye to the pitcher and go outside, wondering if Sawamura was waiting for me, the thought made me giddy, I don't know why... Who am I kidding, I know why I feel that, but to no avail, when I go out I didn't saw Sawamura waiting for me, he walked ahead of me

I try catching up but he's too fast, I sigh, when I entered the cafeteria I saw Sawamura sitting on our usual table, talking to those damn first years

He ignored me, 'Guess he's still angry at me', I sigh, pick up a tray filledwith foods and walk towards our usual yable

I sat beside him, he's still ignoring me, "Look...." how should I start this?, "... I'm sorry Ok?"

I know he was listening to me and that gave me confidence to continue ".. I can't say no to the coach, he's the coach after all, but tomorrow, tomorrow I promise I'll practice with you"

He suddenly turn to me and with a pout, said "You also promise that you'll catch for me today!"

I got surprised by his sudden outburst and I can't help it, I laugh!, I laugh so hard it hurts my stomach, looks like he got angry at that and shouted again

"What's so funny?!?"

"Hahah I didn't know that you want to have my attention so badly!"

I'm still laughing and when I saw his red face, I laugh louder, the Devlin team members (the ones on the cafeteria) are looking at our table, specifically me, but I don't care, I'm still laughing

'He's really Cute'


After our episode and after we ate, we all take a bath at the bath house and go back to the dorm, When I was done and fully dress

When I open the door, I saw Sawamura looking at his phone, I plan on looking at what he was doing but I kick the door shut making a loud bang

Sawamura, inturn, flinch and turn to look at me, his face surprised with a mixture of nervousness and a hint of....sadness?, there are sweats forming on his forehead

"Hey Sawamura! What are you doing texting Wakana or... Haruka?" I said the last part with a low tone, he visibly shudders and it makes me smirk

He open his mouth and without looking at me said

"What would you do if....if you found out that Yakuza is cheating on you?"


A/N: wow 2 chapters in one day, I must be sick, anyway how are you all liking the story so far?

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting, have a nice day

~C. N.

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