<< V. D. >> 24

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Nothing eventful really happen in our stay at the Nuri team, we practice of course, we eat, we sleep (me and Miyuki are dormmates of course), all I can say is that the Devlin team members are more friendly than the Nuri team members, well to me anyways, they are all welcoming to Miyuki and treating him as if he belongs in their team

Miyuki though, only paid them no mind and instead he only spends his time with me

The thing that I really remember is that one time when they ask him to sit with them before (I'm not included though, they seem to treat me like I didn't exist)

Miyuki looks like he want to (which is a rare sight) he look like he really want to but he turn to me and I realize, I realize that he doesn't want me to feel left alone

I couldn't say that I didn't feel flattered and that butterflies erupted from my stomach but still, I didn't want him to feel like an outcast just because I am, so I only smiled at him and told him to

"Go, Just Go, I'll be fine"

But he just scowl at me and while frowning said "I would rather be alone with you than having the time of my life while you're feeling like an outcast, we're partners you know"

I only stare at him wishing that I'm not blushing before saying, "Don't be sill Bakayuki, I'm fine I told you"

He only rolled his eyes and while laughing, he said "I told you, I'm staying with you, besides, if you're not there then...." he stare at me again with all seriousness before avoiding his gaze and saying

"There would be no comic relief for me" then he laugh, I only frown at him and rolled my eyes

But still, something is in the back of my mind, something that's been tugging on my mind, I'm really curious so I decided....

I decided that I would find out who is it that he's texting...

Because he's texting them every night when he thought that I'm asleep or when he's alone

'I would find out who that is'

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