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Miyuki's POV

I woke up, just in time for my alarm to ring, quickly tapping it to snooze it, I stretch and yawn

I sit up, stretch again and scratch my stomach, I climb the ladder and go to Sawamura's bed to wake him up, but when I got there, I notice that he's not there, I also notice a piece of paper on the center of the bed, I puzzledly get it and read it

For Miyuki :)

I just go out to run, Yasahiro, Masaru, Hiroshi, together with the first years, invited me to jog with them, I would probably be back before you wake up

                                            - Sawamura

I crush the paper and angrily climb down, just in time for me to hear the door to our dor, shut

I look at its direction and saw Sawamura standing there sweating while smiling, I hurriedly go to him and grab him by his collar and said

"Where the hell did you go! What did you do! Why the hell did you agree!!"

I was so angry (though I don't know why) that my questions couldn't even be considered as questions, Sawamura looked shocked and his eyes are wide and full of confusion

I let him go and took a few steps back, sigh deeply and look at him, I repeated my question, but this time with a calmer manner

"Where did you go?"

Sawamura, after recovering from the shock, look at me and his eyes landed on my closed hands that is crushing the letter that he wrote

"You've already read my letter so you already know where" he said

I tighten my fist and as much as possible, I stop myself from doing something stupid, after a few awkward silence, Sawamura cough and said

"Well it's already 6:45, I'll just change my clothes and let's..... Eat?"

He said, well more like asked, I gulp and nodded


After Sawamura's done changing, we head out to the cafeteria where some of the Devlin team members are eating while chatting

Sawamura and I both sit together and eat, after a few moments, Sawamura ask me

"What time does our practice start?"

I look at him then look at my watch, 7:00

"We will start at exactly 8:00"

He nodded and we continue to eat, a few moments later, the same first years that offer us to sit with them the night before named, Sh!tty, F^(kface, F^(ker, @$$hole and B^llsh!t, came to our table and talk to us again

Well more like flirt with Sawamura, I glare daggers at them and I sure do wish that it was a real dagger

Some of them are getting touchy-feely with Sawamura and I don't like it

F^(kface, who is beside Sawamura, was about to put his hands on Sawamura's shoulder, but I pull Sawamura's chair closer to mine and lay my hand on the back of his chair

Some of them looked pissed while some looked shocked, that's right f^(kers

"Hey PARTNER, let's practice on the bullpen later, Ok? I'll catch your pitches, I want to see if you've improve"

Sawamura looked too damn happy and said "YEAH!!!"

I look smugly at the pissed off first years and smirk

That's right f^(kers....

Back off


A/N: Happy Pride Month You guys!!!
(• ^ •) V

Also thank you for reading, voting and commenting on my story! Have a nice day

-C. N.

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