<<V.D.>> 11

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Miyuki's POV

I've finish packing my stuffs so I headed out,  when I arrive outside I saw Sawamura and the coach waiting for me outside my dorm

we started walking and coach told us that we should improve ourselves ans that when we go back we should be better than we are before, we nodded and say goodbye to the coach

The school bus of the devlin team is already at the bus stop and waiting for us, Me and Sawamura should sit together and be together no matter what

I told him that of course, because the coach told us and he forgot to say that to Sawamura, it's not because I want to or something, It's just that the coach told it to us

but the hard thing is... He's still not talking to me!

'One month together is a good time to apologize and go back to his good side'

Before we sat together I ask him which side he wants to sit and thankfully he answered me, he said that he would sit beside the window, and as much as I love to sit there too, I only nodded and let them have that sit

He pull out his phone and ear phone and was about to listen through it when I hold his left hand that's holding it (we're on the right side of the bus)

Here goes nothing..

'I can do this!!' I mentally encourage myself while also mentally preparing myself

Sawamura is silent and just looking at me questioningly, he's just waiting, waiting for what I have to say, what I'm about to say


A few minutes of silence and I feel the bus moving

"If you're not going to say something then please let go of my hand but if you're going to talk, then talk... Senpai" Sawamura stated

I can feel the pass beating of my heart, I'm too darn nervous! and the embarrassing thing is that, Sawamura THE Sawamura fricking Eijun is the one making me nervous!

"Um.... Sa-Sawamura..." Fu(k I stuttered, he raised his eyebrows and I continued

"I.... I would just... I would like to um.. I would just like to say that..."

I feel the bus come into a halt

'Are we already there?..'

I look outside and saw that we are on a gas station, so no, we're still not there

A few Devlin members go near us and ask if we want to play with them, Sawamura declined and they looked at me but I took a deep breath and look at Sawamura straight in the eyes and said

"I'm so sorry for what I've done, I didn't mean that, I didn't mean any of that, I don't know what came over me when I said that but please forgive me"

I bow my head slightly, I feel Sawamura shaking, Is he crying?, I look up and saw that he his bangs are covering his eyes

"Are you alright-" I didn't get a chance finish my sentence because Sawamura started to laugh out loud (lol), tears were threatening to fall from his eyes and I can tell that it's tears of joy

I look at him confused but he just shake his head and with leftover chuckles he said

"You....haha....you You're... You're so nervous... Haha!" I look at him with a frown and he suddenly got serious

"I've already forgiven you, But that doesn't mean I would forget... " I nod my head and he burst out laughing again

"I would forget your stupid nervous face Bakayuki"

I smiled

'Thank God he forgive me'

I didn't know what I would do if he didn't

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