<< V. D >> 23

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The bus came to a halt and I take in our surroundings


Lots of trees!

And just like any other school, there is a field but with many members practicing with a pitching machine, before I could say anything I heard Miyuki said

"You better not start shouting Sawamura"

Some of the Nuri team members smirk while the others paid us no mind

Embarrassed, I turn to Miyuki and said "You Stupid Miyuki!"

He smirks before saying "Yeah right" and roll his eyes

'That Stupid Miyuki'

Paying him no mind, I saw the coach of the Nuri team approaching us, straightening up, I look at him, well more like observe him

His hair is color gray though he doesn't look old, he's probably only at his at his 30's or something, his eyes are color brown and like what I said, he looks young

"You must be the swap members"

(C. N: isn't it obvious lmao, ok back to the story)

We, Me and Miyuki, of course, nodded and the coach smiled

"Sawamura and Miyuki am I right?" we nodded again

The coach looked at me and said "Miyuki?"

I only stare at the coach awkwardly while I feel my cheeks heat up before the coach laughs and said

"I'm sorry, I'm just kidding, who didn't know the famous Miyuki Kazuya?"

Before he turn to Miyuki and said "Nice to have you with us"

Miyuki smiled and said "Pleasures all mine sir"

'Wow, they're totally ignoring me'

I thought sulkily

Then they started to walk so I have no choice but to follow them

"I thought you would be with the ace, Furuya? What happened? "

I froze when I heard the coach said that but Miyuki only smile, a small smile, before turning to look at me, still smiling and then turn his attention back to the coach and said

"No sir, I'm here with MY PARTNER, Sawamura instead"

The coach, seems like he just remembered that I'm here, said "Oh, Sawamura?"

"Yes Coach"

"Welcome to the team" then the coach smiled and go back to talking to Miyuki

Miyuki, who is beside the coach before, was now walking beside me, and he's even including me in their talk

Did he just...

Did Miyuki just stand up for me?

I stare at Miyuki and he, seems like he notice my stare, only smirk at me in return


A/N: What do you guys think about the new team? How about the coach?

Also sorry for the super looooong update, it just got busy *ehem* *ehem* school *ehem**ehem* anyways I hope that you like it, thank you for reading, voting and commenting and have a nice day, peaze out

~C. N.

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