Chapter 7

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Olivia's POV:

"Aaah, hot hot hot hot hot hot!!" James speaks as sweat drips from his forehead.

"It's getting even more worse!!" He screams as he searches for water in his bag.

"You! You did this, didn't you!" He points at Lex.

Now you must be wondering what's going on right?

Well let's rewind shall we.

⏪⏪ Rewinding⏪⏪

Today's the day.

What day you might ask.

The day when Lex and I prank James.

It's not that bad honestly.

All we're gonna do is put some hot sauce in James's jelly sandwich.

Oh and we're also take his water.

Let him beg for water.

Oh and our school doesn't even have those water fountains if you're wondering.

He's gonna have to beg for water.

Classy right?

James sits down at our table.

"Ahh I'm so hungry, Mrs Clark didn't let us leave till we finished our work! I'm starving! Time for my lovely JELLY sandwich." he says giving emphasis on jelly.

"Aah there you are my love." he looks at the sandwich lovingly.

Lex and I look at each other in anticipation.

And then it happens soo magically!

Ah who am I kidding, it was kinda gross in my opinion.

He took a humongous bite of the sandwich.

He was grinning while Lex and I were grinning at each other. Evilly might I add.

James's face morphed from one of happiness to disgust.

"Aaah, hot hot hot hot hot hot!!" James speaks as sweat drips from his forehead.

"It's getting even more worse!!" He screams as he searches for water in his bag.

"You! You did this, didn't you! " He points at Lex while we laugh like a bunch of maniacs.

I'm pretty sure we must have gathered the attention of at least a couple of people by now.

"Why did u have to do this to my jelly sandwich, my love!!" tears are ready to drip from his eyes any moment now.

I'm not even kidding!

"Water, please just give me water!" He begs.

If you couldn't tell by now, James can't handle spicy food.

How do I know?

Lexi of course. You might think she's known him since birth rather than a couple of months.

"Alright Lex, give the poor boy some water before he dies." I tell Lex.

James gulps down the water in a total of 5 seconds.

Yes, I counted.

"Ahh relief." He says sighing.

James gets up and looks at his sandwich sadly? Guess he might really love it.

"Goodbye my jelly sandwich, I'll always remember you. Remember that it wasn't your fault but rather mine for not taking good care of you." he says dramatically and throws the sandwich in the bin.

He comes back to the table and look at us sharply, "You don't know who you've messed with, I'll get my revenge and also my jelly sandwich's revenge. And let me tell you that you won't like it one bit."

Lex and I look at each other and burst out laughing.

James looks down and sighs,"What is a starving poor boy like me going to eat now?"

Wow. Bipolar much?

Lex passes him her peanut butter sandwich, "Here have this."

"Guess sometimes at least something is better, even if it is disgustingly gross as peanut butter." he says dramatically.

This boy should join drama class. I'm serious.

"Hey if all you're gonna do is insult my peanut butter sandwich then you don't deserve it!" Lex exclaims.

"Alright alright woman, I'm eating, see?" He takes and bite out of it.

Suddenly Lex's phone rings. I don't know what the news was but her face became pale as soon as she heard it. I hope it's nothing bad. The phone ends and Lex begins packing up her bag fast as lighting.

"Hey hey, slow down, what's the matter?" I ask.

"Is everything alright?" James questions.

"No, it's not." Lex answers quietly, still stuffing things into her bag.

"What's wrong Lex?" James and I ask at the same time.

"It's my mom, she's been in a car accident."

A/N: Thank you guys for reading! If you liked this chapter please vote and comment.

Do you think Lexi's mom will be alright?

Also, the FIFA finals are today! Who are you rooting for?

See y'all next Sunday!


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