Chapter 30

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"I'm never drinking again

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"I'm never drinking again. Ever!" Ry whines as he takes out some books from his locker.

"And yet the next time we party, I can guarantee you'll be the first one to get drunk." James chuckles.

"Have you still got the hangover?" I ask.

"It's almost gone but I feel dead."

"Don't worry about him. Happens every time." Will says from beside me.

"I have such great friends." Ry says sarcastically.

"New student?" Lexi says looking at a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Where?" Ry asks.

"She's cute. I'm going to go talk to her. Bye losers!" Ry says making us all burst out laughing.

"Can you even tell he was whining like a girl over just a minute ago?" James asks chuckling.

"Nope." Lexi replies, popping the p.

"Liv, let's head to Math." Lexi says.

"Math is first period? Why?" I say dramatically and follow Lex.

"So what'd you do yesterday?" Lexi asks.

"Well after we left the cafe, Will and I headed to my house to watch some movies." I shrug.


"How'd you know there's an and?" I ask, raising a brow.

"It's written all over your face. Moreover you just admitted it." She says smirking.

"Okay fine. There is an and. I fell asleep on Will during the movie and I think he did too. I woke up with him beside me."

"Then what happened then?"

"Well, I was just observing and he suddenly scared me by speaking so I jumped and it turns out he was awake the whole time." I say hiding my face with my hands.

"Aw. You're blushing." Lexi teases.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Let's head to math."

"You know I really liked math before he started hooking up with alphabets. And now it's like I don't even recognize him anymore." Liv shrugs.

"True. Lexi, what do you call friends who love math?" I ask.


"Nope. Algebros." I chuckle.

"That was lame." She looks me in the eye and says.

"Yeah. Let's go."


"I think I lost some brain cells." I groan as we step out of math class.

"Same. But I think I lost more than some."

Suddenly Lexi falls on the ground.

"Did you just fall?" I ask, chuckling.

"No, I attacked the ground." She says getting up and smoothening the creases in her outfit.


"Yeah, I'm so talented right?" She says sassily and flips her hair.

We chuckle and head to the lunch hall.

"Hey! There you guys are! We've been waiting for you." Ry calls us over.

There's a girl with bright blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair sitting beside him.

"Where have you guys been?" James asks.

"Well somebody decided it would be fun to attack the ground." I say, plopping down next to Will.

"Yeah I know I'm talented." Lexi says giving James a kiss on the cheek and sitting beside him.

"Okay guys, this is Lucy." Ry says introducing the new girl.

A chorus of hey's is heard before Lexi begins her interrogation.

"So where are you from Lucy?"

"Australia." She says looking at her nails.

"Why'd you move?"

"Well my parents are millionaires and they wanted to expand their business in America." She replies, scrolling through her phone.

"Okay." Lexi grits out through her teeth. If there's anything one should know about Lexi is that you gotta pay attention to her when she asks you something.

Which Lucy is not currently giving her.

"Alright Ry Ry, I'm going to have lunch with my girls. Call me." She says seductively and leaves the table.

"Oh Lord. I hate people like her!" Lexi exclaims.

"The boasting or the ignorance?" I ask.

"Definitely both." She replies nodding her head.

"So are you gonna call her?" Lexi asks, since Ry hasn't said anything after she left.

He looks left and then looks right as one does while crossing the street.

"I fucking dislike that girl." Ry finally blurts out.

"Then why'd you hang with her the whole day?" James asks.

"Because she's so clingy. I'm sick of hearing Ry Ry this and Ry Ry that." He says rubbing his forehead.

"So you're not gonna call her right?" Will asks, raising an eyebrow. His eyebrow is perfectly arched and make his cheekbones stand out. His adam's apple bobs up and down as he drinks his water.

"Nope, I'm not." Ry says, pulling me out from my daydream.

What was that?

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