Chapter 26

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"May I have this dance?" William asks, holding his hand out

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"May I have this dance?" William asks, holding his hand out.

"You may, kind sir." I reply cheekily, placing my hand in his.

I place my other hand on his shoulder and he grips my waist lightly with his other hand. We begin swaying to the music along with all the others.

 We begin swaying to the music along with all the others

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"So, how long have you known Ry?" I ask.

"Since we were 5. What about Alexis and you?"

"I think we were 6 or 7. Also, where has Ry gone?" I glance around to see if I can spot him.

"I think I know where he is." William looks behind me and smirks.

I turn around to see a very drunk Ry, trying to flirt with a girl who seems very annoyed.

Keyword being trying.

"Wow, he's really drunk." I chuckle.

When did he even drink that much?

"Yup." William smiles.

"You have really pretty eyes." He says genuinely.

"Thanks." I smile.

I don't what is it but I feel safe when I'm with him.

We dance in a peaceful silence for a while, well if you don't consider the loud music and chaos around us.

"Guys! This girl just left when I was in the middle of telling her something! Like how rude!" Ry exclaims, making William and I stop dancing.

"What were you talking about when she left?" I ask.

"Oh that. I was just telling her how her face looks so cakey with make up and that if someone was hungry, they could eat it." He drunkenly replies.

"No wonder she left. Drunk Ry doesn't have a filter. Poor girl." I chuckle.

"Hey! It's not my fault she put on that much make-up!" He whines, leaning on William's shoulder for support.

"Maybe she likes makeup." I shrug.

"C'mon, let's get you home." William says and slings one of Ry's hands over his shoulder and begins walking.

"Olivia, are you coming?" He looks over from his shoulder and asks.

"Yeah, sure." I say and sling Ry's other hand over my shoulder.

We walk towards William's car and dump Ry in the back seat. I say dump because it's not easy carrying him! Moreover when we made him sit, he just slumped down in the seat.

William and I make our way to the front and buckle ourselves in.

"Do you think Alexis and James will be okay if we leave?" He asks as he starts up the car.

"Yup. I've already texted Lex that we're leaving in your car." I reply, messing with the radio for some good tunes.

Stitches by Shawn Mendes comes on.

"I thought that I've been hurt before, but no one's ever left me quite this sore

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"I thought that I've been hurt before, but no one's ever left me quite this sore." I sing along in my crappy voice.

"Your words cut deeper than a knife. Now I need someone to breathe me back to life." To my surprise, William sings.

And beautifully might I add.

"Got a feeling that I'm going under, but I know that I'll make it out alive." I sing, still in shock.

"If I quit calling you my lover, move on." William joins again.

"You watch me bleed until I can't breathe, shaking.
Falling onto my knees, and now that I'm without your kisses. I'll be needing stitches. Tripping over myself, aching. Begging you to come help, and now that I'm without your kisses." We both sing together.

"I'll be needing stitches!" Ry sings in his sleep.

William and I both start chuckling. Mine being more louder and like a hyena obviously.

"I didn't know you could sing so good!" I exclaim.

"Nah it's nothing." He shrugs.

"No but really! It was so beautiful!" I say excitedly.

"Thanks." He smiles.

There's a comfortable silence between us for a while and everything feels right.

"So why'd you move to this town?"

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment.

Hope hit 5K reads a few days ago! Thank you to everyone who read it!

So what did you guys think about Liv and Will?

That's all so I'll see ya guys next Sunday!


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