Chapter 28

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"Gotcha." Someone whispers in my ear.

From the voice, I know it's Olivia. I mean who else would shoot me?

Not literally though.

"Real brave attacking from behind. Such a fair fight." I say sarcastically.

"Actually, I was standing like a few steps beside you and you didn't notice. So I guess it really is a fair fight." She replies smugly.

"Well I guess we know who won then."

"Yup. We sure do." She replies as she pulls the trigger and I feel it hitting my back.

"We won Lex!", Olivia shouts.

"We won and you lost, that's right!", Olivia sings her victory song excitedly.

Her hair bounces up and down and her face lights up with joy. There's also this huge contagious smile on her face which is greater than any victory I could've gotten. There's also this spark of Hope in her eyes.

"We won Liv! Take that suckers!" Alexis joins Liv in her victory dance.

"Okay okay we get it we lost." James comes from behind.

"Now you two have to buy us lunch!" Alexis says jumping up and down and pointing at at simultaneously.

"What? But we didn't agree to that! Tell them Will!" James nudges me.

"Is there anything else we could do?" I ask.

Both of them seem to be in deep thought.

"A dodo bird." Olivia suddenly replies.

"Yes! Either get us a dodo bird or lunch. You decide." Alexis smirks.

"But they're extinct!" James exclaims.

"Exactly." Olivia replies smugly.

"Alright, we'll buy you lunch."


"That was delicious!" Olivia exclaims after finishing her last slice.

Yup. We bought pizzas.

"It was even more delicious since we didn't pay for it!" Alexis chuckles.

"I'm so full now." James says.

"So what now?" Olivia asks.

"I think a nap would be great." I reply and hear murmurs of agreement.

"So let's head home. Do you guys want me to drop you?" James asks Olivia and I.

Ryder left in my car so I didn't have a ride and I think Olivia came with Alexis.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna walk. My home is pretty close from here." Olivia replies.

James looks at me for my answer.

"Thanks but I think I'm gonna walk too."

"Alright, we'll see you tommorow at school." James and Alexis wave and get into the car.

"Shall we Olivia?" I ask.

"We shall." She plays along and starts walking.

"Why does the weekend have to end so soon?" I ask dramatically.

"Well," She stretches out.

"Well what?" I ask.

"Technically it's not over yet. It's only 5." She shrugs.

"We could go over to my place and watch some movies? What'd you say? I'm not tired anyways." She asks.

"Sure." I agree since I don't really have anything to do.

We reach her home soon and she opens her door and we head to her room.

"So, what should we watch?" She takes her laptop and plops down on her bed.

"I've heard Under the Lake is a good one." I suggest.

"Sure. Let me put it on." She says and begins typing.

"C'mon. What are you waiting for?" She pats the space next to her since I'm still standing awkwardly in front of her.

I walk over and sit down and the movie begins.

Olivia's reactions when something happens are priceless.

Halfway through the movie, I feel her head dropping down on my shoulder.

I turn a bit to see her eyelids closed and her breathing reducing.

"And you said you weren't tired." I chuckle to myself watching her drift off to a peaceful slumber.

I sound like a total creep.

The movie continues for another half an hour when my eyes start drooping too.

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