Chapter 44

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Tap tap tap

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Tap tap tap.

Tap tap tap.

What the heck?

I'm woken up by a strange sound coming from the outside of my window.




Is someone throwing rocks at my window? That idiotic moron!

I get out from under my covers and turn on the small lamp on my side table.


I turn towards to window to look at the bastard and I see a tall figure in a black hoodie.

I open my window and shout, "What do you think you're doing throwing rocks at my window?"

"Liv, it's me. Will." The black hood comes down and I see the chocolate brown eyes that I've come to love.

Wait what? Come to love? Dude, what the fuck?

"Come down the pipe, Liv."

"Right now? Why?" I ask.

It's like 4 in the morning and he's asking me to climb down the pipe?

"Do you trust me?" He asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Yeah. Of course I trust you."

"Then come down."

I follow his orders and climb down the pipe, hoping not to fall down in the process.

Don't look down and you'll be fine.

Just do not look down. At any cost.

Once I'm like a foot or two away from the ground, my leg slips from the pipe.

"Ah!" I cry out and close my eyes tightly, afraid of the impact. See this is why I don't do heights.

I open my eyes after a minute when I realize that I'm not falling.

I open one eye and they connect with Will's chocolate ones, shining in the light from the lamp posts.

"Hey." He smiles adorably.

"Did you catch me?" I ask, even though I know he did because I'm in his arms.


I get off from his arms and dust some imaginary dust since I didn't really fall.

"Come on." Will says, pulling me by the hand.

His hand is larger than mine and encloses mine completely.

We walk till we reach his car.

"So where are you taking me?" I ask, strapping the seatbelt on.

"You'll see." He says, firing up the engine.

"You're not going to blindfold me, take me to an abandoned asylum and kill me there so that no one can find me there, are you?" I say, my imagination running wild.

"I'm going to blindfold you, take you to an abandoned asylum, kill you so no one can find you." He says, repeating my words.

"Will!" I whine, punching his arm lightly.

"Of course not. I'm taking you to a special place I found, just on the outskirts." He says, taking the hand I punched him with, in his.

"Which is what exactly?" I ask, curiously.

"Curiosity killed the cat." He smirks.

"But satisfaction bought it back." I smile smugly at my response.

"So how far is this place?" I ask, when suddenly my stomach begins to grumble.

Will just chuckles and replies, "We'll stop on a gas station in a while. You can pick anything you want."

Free food!

"Can I get Nutella?" I ask, widening my eyes for emphasis.

"Of course, Love." Will replies smiling.


"Love?" I voice my exact thoughts. I'm not very creative, I know.

"I won't say it, if it bothers you." Will replies, turning towards me for a second.

"It's okay. You can call me that." I say and turn my face immediately towards the window.

"You're blushing."

"No, I'm not." I deny, but can't help the smile growing on my face.


"Decisions, decisions." I say, rubbing my chin in deep thought.

Cheetos or Doritos?

Cheetos it is!

Nutella or Oreos?


"What're you getting?" I ask.

"Some lays and cola."

"You like lays? I'm sorry for your taste buds."

"Just letting you know I have great taste." He shrugs smugly.

"And why do you think that?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Because I tasted you." He winks and walks off to pay while I just stand there gawking.

A/N: Well that was the chapter, what'd ya think? I hope this makes up for the previous chapter.

Simple one today, what's your favorite color? I love black and all shades of blue :)



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