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She's gone.


She left me.


Ryder walks forward with lillies in his hand. Her favorite flowers.

He kneels down and sits in front of her stone.

"You left me Livy. You left us all." He says placing the flowers on the stone.

"Who's gonna laugh at my stupid jokes now?" He says, his voice cracking and sounding broken.

"We miss you Liv. We all do," Lexi says from beside me and walks forward to kneel down next to Ryder.

"Who's gonna try to sneak up on me and fail miserably now Liv?" Lexi says, holding back a sob.

"Take care Livy. We love you." Ry says kissing the stone and standing up.

He holds a hand out to Lexi who repeats his actions.

"Goodbye Liv."

They turn around and walk towards me.

"We'll wait in the car," Ry says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Footsteps can be heard fading away as they move farther and farther.

I take a couple steps forward and sit down in front of her.

In loving memory of Olivia Brown.


Beloved daughter and friend.

"Why did you have to leave me too Liv?"

A cool breeze brushes against my ear.

"Why does everyone I care about always leave? What have I done?" I ask, trying not to cry.

"You know Liv, I tried to stay away from everyone because I didn't want to get hurt. I forgot how to live after Emily left me. I distanced myself away from everyone. But then you came into my life. You were like this huge burst of joy, hope and much more enclosed in a little body," I add, letting out a chuckle.

"You made me feel alive again. You showed me how to move on. But now you're gone and I don't know if I can move on from you," A stray tear escapes from my left eye.

"Take care okay?" I say, wiping the tear and standing up.

"I know you wouldn't want me to feel sad that you're gone but instead remember all the memories we had, but how can I do that when all I feel is empty inside?" I ask, holding back a sob.

"I'm going to go now but I'll be back." I say, because I don't think I can hold my tears any longer.

"Goodbye Liv." I kiss her stone and turn around.

She's gone.

And now my entire world is falling apart.

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