Chapter 25

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Everyone's staring at us

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Everyone's staring at us.

Huh. I didn't know I was so beautiful that people stop all their work just to have a glance of my beauty.

Who am I kidding, I'm just a potato.

A potato with standards.

I ignore the stares and go sit in my usual seat.

"Did he pay you to walk with him?" A girl who's never talked to me before asks.

"What? Also who are you?" I ask.

"He never talks with anyone, well besides his cute friend. Anyways, back to the point. Why did he walk into class with you?" She says twirling a strand of her hair around her pinky.

Gosh I've heard this girl speaking for like 2 seconds and I already hate her.

"In your seats everyone!" The teacher enters and the annoying girl goes back to her place, finally leaving me alone.

I never knew that's what people thought about William.

⏩⏩Time Skip⏩⏩

"Let's get ready and blow everyone's head's away!" Lexi exclaims as she begins rummaging through her closet, throwing out like a million different things.

I chuckle at her words and have a dress thrown at me.

"Here ya go. That's what you're gonna be wearing." Lexi says strictly, crossing her arms over her chest, leaving no more room for argument.

"Go on now. Try it out." She pushes me into her bathroom with both her hands.

I look at the garment in my hands. It's a short simple white dress with a jewel shaped neckline. Overall it's pretty cute. Lexi did a good job. I quickly put it on and open the door.

"So, how do I look?" I ask Lexi, smoothening out any creases that might have formed

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"So, how do I look?" I ask Lexi, smoothening out any creases that might have formed.

I look up to Lexi grinning like a kid who just got a puppy they wanted so bad.

Puppies are so cute! They have these cute little paws and cute little faces!

Focus Liv, focus!

"You look like an angel!" She finally gushes out.

"Thanks Lex. Now show me what you're wearing."

"I'll be right back!" She practically flies into the bathroom.

I take out my makeup and hair tools that I brought from home from my bag and begin doing my makeup.

"Ta da!" Lexi exclaims dramatically, coming out from the bathroom.

She's wearing this teal short dress which has a white lace belt. The teal really brings out her gorgeous blue eyes.

 The teal really brings out her gorgeous blue eyes

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"You look so pretty!" I exclaim.

"I know. Thanks." She says flipping her hair.

We both look at each and then burst out laughing.

I make a small wing on both of my eyelids with some eyeliner. I add some pink lip gloss, blush and highlighter. I don't really like caking my face up with make up. Plus at the end of the night, I really don't wanna look like a clown. I curl the tips of my hair and add on some accessories.

I turn to Lexi to show her my complete look and see her finishing up her hair. She's done some light eyeshadow and lip gloss, along with some highlighter to accentuate her high cheek bones.

Overall we look awesome and ready to party!

"C'mon let's go wait in the living room, the boys will be here soon." Lexi suggests and I nod in agreement.

⏩⏩Time skip⏩⏩

"Here ya go! Three beers!" Ry gives us each a cup.

Us here being William, Ry and I. Lexi and James are probably making out somewhere. We got separated from them the moment we entered.

"Let's go and dance!" Ry downs his beer in one go and pulls both of us to the dance floor.

A sick beat plays and we begin to dance.

"This is so much fun!" Ry exclaims as he throws his hands up in the air and dances.

"Is he always like this at parties?" I chuckle and ask William.

"Yup. Every single one."

"I'm gonna get more drinks! You guys want some?" Ry shouts over the loud music.

"No thanks! I'm good." I reply loudly while William just shakes his head.

A slow song begins to play and everyone starts couple dancing.

"May I have this dance?"

Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment

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Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment.

This chapter is dedicated to QueenTechnol since it's her birthday tommorow!

What did you guys think of this chapter? What did you think of Will and Liv?

Anyways that's all so I'll see y'all next Sunday!


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