Chapter 13

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Olivia's POV:

It's Jake.

I signal Lex to wait a moment as I pick up the call.

Olivia: Hey, what's up?

Jake: Nothing much, just going to ask a pretty lady on a date.

Olivia: Oh cool, who is she?

Jake: You.

Olivia: Really? Me?

Jake: Yup. So what do you say?

Olivia: Sure. What time?

Jake: I'll pick you up at seven. Just text me your address.

Olivia: Okay, I'll see you then.

I end the call and text him my address.

I look up at Lex and her mouth is wide open.

"Close your mouth or you're gonna catch grasshoppers." I chuckle and say.

"Wait, isn't it flies?" she asks confused.

"Yes, but flies are too small for your mouth." I say and dash to the bathroom.

"Olivia Brown! You better come out quick and tell me about this date of yours!" Lex bangs lightly on the door.

I continue chuckling.

"Only if you promise that you won't pounce on me." I propose.

"Alright fine I won't pounce on you because you didn't tell me about this guy." I hear from from the other side of the door.

I open the door slowly because I don't trust Lex to keep her promise.

"Ahh!" I scream as I fall down due to Lex's weight on me.

"You promised!" I accuse her.

"I promised I wouldn't because you didn't tell me about the guy, I never said I wouldn't because you called my mouth a grasshopper's cave!" She smirks.

"Okay fine, can you get up now? I don't want to be squished for my date." I reply back.

"Yeah sure." She says but doesn't get up.

"Uh hello Lex, I'm still on the floor, buried under your weight remember?" I remind her.

"Yeah, i think that's enough torture." She says and sits on her bed.

I glance at the clock. It's 6:20

Crap. Jake will be here in 40 minutes.

"I promise I'll tell you after I get back because right now I gotta get ready."

"Of course you will. I'm not letting you off the hook yet."

"Okay, so what do I wear?"

"I have the perfect outfit." She smiles evilly.

"If you pick a damn skirt, then I ain't wearing it."

"Aw, who's a kill sport now," she pouts.

⏩⏩Time skip⏩⏩

"My lady." Jake says as he opens the door of the car for me to sit.

"Well I guess chivalry ain't dead yet." I chuckle.

"Of course it ain't." He replies back.

So here I am sitting in Jake's car going somewhere which apparently is a surprise.

I'm wearing a floral black lace dress which Lexi picked out for me after I refused to wear skirts.

"So, where are we going?" I question.

"I told you it's a surprise."

"Can you at least give me a hint?"

"Nope." He says popping the p.

"You'll see when we get there."

"And when will we get there?"

"You won't stop, will you? We'll get there in about 15 minutes." He says chuckling.

"Let's play 20 questions," Jake suggests.


"Favorite color?" Jake asks.

"Blue. Yours?"

"Green." He looks me in the eyes and says.

I chuckle and look down shyly.

"Hey, you're beautiful. Don't hide your face." He says lifting my chin with his hand.

"Favorite movie?"

"The space between us, what about you?"

"Captain America Civil War."

"Ah, you're a marvel fan I see."

"Favorite song?"

"DNA by Lia Marie Johnson. What's your favorite TV show?"

"Breaking Bad. Yours?"

"Thirteen reasons why. I'm so excited for season 3!" I exclaim.

"Wow. It must be a good show then."

"Yup. No doubt!"

"We're here." Jake says stopping the car.

"A carnival?"

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! If you like this chapter, please vote and comment.

What do you guys think about Jake?

See y'all next Sunday!


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