Chapter 51

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Olivia's POV:

White walls and a white ceiling.

That's the first thing I see as my eyes begin to adjust to the surroundings.

"Liv?" I hear a voice from beside me.

"Lexi?" I ask surprised.

Why am I in a hospital?

"Here, drink some water." She says helping me up and handing me a glass of water.

"What happened?" I ask her finally.

"You fainted Liv. Ryder called me and told me to come here." She says looking down.

"Oh Lexi, I'm sorry."

She gives out a dry laugh, "Liv, it's not your fault. You shouldn't apologize."

The door opens and my doctor enters.

"How do you feel Olivia?"

"Alright I guess."

"I see. Do you remember why you fainted?"

"I think I had a panic attack." I say honestly.

One moment I was at Will's talking to Ryder and the last thing I remember is falling.

Will. I still haven't talked to him yet. God, I'm an idiot.

"Okay. We'll see what we can do. For now I've called your parents. Take care." He says and leaves.

"Olivia what were you thinking?" Lexi says.

"Will found out." I say, down at my hands.


"Mum and Dad are getting a divorce. She came to tell me that and I told her that they never have time for their only daughter who can die any day." I say dryly.

"They're getting divorced?" Lexi asks surprised.

"Yeah. Turns out Will was standing outside the entire time and he heard it." I say, sighing.

"Well great." She replies sarcastically.

"Yeah. I'm such a fucking idiot." I sigh, taking my head into my hands.

"Yup." Lexi agrees.

"How comforting."

"So what are you gonna do now?"

"Well, I think I'll talk to him. Or at least try. I don't think he even wants to see my face."

The door opens and Ry enters.

"Are you alright? How are you feeling?" Ry asks quickly coming over to my side to hold my hand.

"I'm okay Ry. Everything is fine."

"Don't scare me like that again okay?"

"Okay." I smile meekly.

"So uh I'm guessing you told Will and he didn't take it very well?" He says taking a seat next to Lexi.

"I didn't tell him. He found out." I say, sighing once again.

I seem to be doing that a lot recently.

"That's why he was so angry."

"Did he say something?"

"He just swore at me and stormed out the door like a madman." Ry says rubbing his neck.

"Oh. Do you think he'll come if he knows I'm here?" I ask, hoping he does so that I can explain myself.

"I don't know Livy." Ry sighs.

"Alright the sadness and tension in this room is suffocating me and I think I'll pass out if it goes on for any longer. Ry get us some snacks and drinks." She says pushing Ry out of his seat and towards the door.

"Time for some relaxation." She says pressing the button to call a nurse into the room.

"Lexi what are you doing?" I ask, as she prances from here to there like a young grasshopper.

"Having a fun time." She replies, moving over to the attached TV.

I honestly don't know why there's a TV in here.

"Could you please get us some more pillows?" Lexi asks politely as the nurse enters.

"Lex, what are you planning?" I chuckle.

"A mini party, sleepover, Netflix marathon, whatever ya wanna call it." She says, switching the TV on and grabbing the remote.

"In a hospital room?"

"Yup. I'm taking whatever I can get alright?" She says, plopping herself next to me and flickering through the channels.

"I just wanted to spend some time with you. That's all." She says softly and even though she's looking keenly at the TV, I notice her eyes soften.

"I've got snacks!" Ry shouts, bursting through the door, dropping a couple packets of chips in the process.

"Heck yeah!" Lexi shouts, grabbing the falling snacks and placing them on the table next to my bed.

"Ooh, what are we watching?" Ry says, grabbing a pillow and placing himself comfortably next to me.

"The only thing on here is a whale documentary." Lexi replies, plopping herself on my other side.

"Here let me see." Ry says, taking the remote from Lexi.

"Aha! Friends!" Ry says grinning in happiness after a moment of changing the channels.

"What? How did you even find friends in a TV here?!" Lexi exclaims, her mouth open in shock.

"Told y'all I'm so fab." Ry says, flipping his non existent long hair.

We all look at each other and burst out laughing. Ry never fails to amuse us.

"Ry have you been watching soap operas?" I ask, chuckling.

"Nope." He says popping the 'p'.

Popping. Funny.


"We were on a break!" Ross shouts suddenly.

"Yes but you shouldn't have done that!" Lexi shouts.

"What if I mix these chips with this one? Like just pour this packet into this one." Ry asks, holding two packets of very different chips.

"Normally I'd say no but I wanna see what happens so go ahead." I chuckle.

"Alright so open both of them them and put this into this and shake it." Ry mumbles as he mixes.

"And voila! Time for the taste test!" Ry says taking two different chips together and shoving them in his mouth.

"Hmm, not quite bad. Oh shit. It's really spicy! My mouth is on fire shit!" Ry climbs off the bed and starts looking for water.

"There should be water in the hospital room right? Well then where the fuck is it!"

"I'll be back!" Ry shouts as he exits through the door.

"I swear Ry never fails to amuse me." Lexi chuckles.

"Thank you for doing this Lex."

"You don't need to thank me. I'm always up for snacks and friends." She grins.

"I mean it Lexi. Thank you." I say, looking her in the eye.

"Of course Liv. Anything for you." She says moving forward and wrapping her arms around me.

We stay in a comfortable silence for a while before Lexi decides to break it.

"You're not going to leave me right?" Lexi whispers.

I don't say anything and just hug her tightly.

A/N: So that was the chapter, did y'all like it?

This book is coming to an end so quickly and I cannot believe it :(

Anyways, what's your favorite book?


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