Chapter 41

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Suddenly Will turns to face me and mutters something along the lines of 'oh fuck it' and presses his lips against mine

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Suddenly Will turns to face me and mutters something along the lines of 'oh fuck it' and presses his lips against mine.

Holy mother of fucking hell.

Will's kissing me.

Yes you idiot, now stop being so stiff and kiss him back!

I finally react and slide my hands around his neck. My body presses against the door as we kiss. His arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me closer and one of his hand rests on my cheek. Our lips melt together and my body flushes against his. I run my hands through his soft hair. His lips were soft yet the kiss was passionate. My heart accelerates a hundred times faster.

"Bloody motherfucker!" Ry shouts loudly.

We break apart and rest our foreheads against each other, completely out of breath.

"Wow." I hear Will whisper, which makes my cheeks heat up again.

"Where's Will and Liv?" Lexi asks, no one in particular.

"We better get going." I say standing straight and opening the door.

"Yeah." Will replies.

I look to see if no one's watching and come from the bathroom.

"Liv!" I hear Lexi from beside me.

"Holy shit!" I bounce back at the sound of her voice.

"I almost had a myocardial infarction!" I say, holding a hand over my racing heart.

"What took you so long?" She questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing. Just had to use the toilet." I shrug, lying straight through my teeth, closing the bathroom door hoping she didn't see him.

"Kay, let's go." She says pulling me to the living room.

We sit down for a while then Will comes and takes his seat beside me.

I don't know what happens but just looking at his face makes me blush.

I'm glad everyone's too immersed into the movie or I'd be bombarded by their questions on why my face is red.


I shut the door after everyone leaves and lean on it.

I touch my lips and remember the feeling of his lips on mine.

It felt so right.

Shit what's happening to me?

I like William.


I wake up and go for an early morning jog since I'm not going to school and also because my appointment isn't until 12 pm.

Running always clears up my head. I look at the leaves falling, the clouds making abstract shapes in the sky, little plants growing on the sidewalk, the wind making the trees sway, kids holding onto their parents arms and smiling in pure innocent happiness. I hear the sounds of birds chirping, kids laughing, dirt being crushed under my foot when I run.

Nature makes me calm and able to collect all my wandering thoughts.


"Good evening Doc." I say greeting him.

"Good evening Olivia." He replies.

"So why am I here today?" I question, hoping it's nothing major.

"We're just going to run a few tests to make sure that the chemotherapy is working." He assures as if sensing my worry.

"I'll call you by tommorow afternoon, informing you about the results."



I reach home by 6 in the afternoon, extremely tired from all the tests.

I don't even bother having dinner since I'm too tired to make or even order anything.

I get into my bed and cover the blanket over me and close my eyes until sleep slowly consumes me.


As soon as I walk into school the next day, Ry gives me a huge hug.

"You didn't come yesterday. I had to face all these morons all by myself." Ry says pointing at James, Lexi and Will.

"Where were you?" Lexi questions firmly, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, I wasn't feeling well." I grit through my teeth.

I can't just blurt out to them that I went to the hospital to check whether I will live or not, now can I?

"Anyways, I'm glad you're here today." Lexi smiles giving me a side hug.

"Well we've got class, so catch ya later." Ry says, walking off with James and Lexi.

I begin taking my books out from my locker for my first class which is English.

"Liv? Is everything okay?"

A/N: Hey! Did y'all like this chapter? What do you think is going to happen next?

Who's your favorite singer? Just curious :)



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