Chapter 14

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Olivia's POV:

"A carnival?"

"Yup. I figured that rides and games would be much more fun than sitting in a rather expensive, yet boring restaurant. Besides carnivals are the best. Everyone likes them." He explains and gets out of the car.

"Um, actually I don't really like carnivals." I say guilty, in a quiet voice, looking downwards.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry for bringing you here. Let's just forget I brought you here and go somewhere else." He says hastily when I start chuckling.

"What? Why are you laughing?" He questions while I continue laughing.

"Boy, you've just been played." I chuckle and say.

"Wow you got me for a moment there." He crosses his arms and smirks.

"The look--on your face!-- priceless!!" I say in between chuckles, holding my stomach.

"Haha very funny." He says dryly, rolling his eyes.

"Are you done laughing now?" He asks with one eyebrow raised.

"Yup. Let's go." I say grinning.

"So, where to first?" I question.

"How about the rollercoaster?"

"Sure! I love rollercoasters!"

⏩⏩Time skip⏩⏩

"I'm scared for your teeth." I say as I look at Jake in disgust.

"Why so?" He says eating his 4th cotton candy.


"Jake, that's like your fourth cotton candy and you bought two more for home!" I say giving emphasis on fourth.

"Don't worry cupcake, my teeth are very strong," He says grinning, "besides, they're delicious. Here try some!"

"Oh no no, I'm good." I say backing away from him as if it's poison.

"You don't like cotton candy??" Jake exclaims dramatically with a hand on his chest.

"Nope." I say popping the p. Hah. Popping.

"But how can you not? It's basically a food created by the Gods!"

"To me it's like someone took a couple Barbie dolls, ripped off their hair, dyed it with food coloring and then added like 10 kgs of sugar." I say nonchalantly.

"Girl if you don't like cotton candy then I don't think this will work out!" He says dramatically again putting one hand on his hip.

"Oh my God! That was hilarious!" I burst out laughing.

"Well I guess it could work." he says deep in thought while walking forward.

"But you just said it couldn't." I ask, still laughing might I add.

"Yeah but that was before I heard your cute laugh." He says grinning.

My mouth then seems to be lost for words it seems.

I just look down and follow after him. I would be lying if I said there wasn't a smile on my face.

"Oh look cupcake! I'm gonna win you a prize." He says pointing at those games where you have to throw a ring around all the cans to win a prize.

"One try please." Jake says slapping a 5 dollar bill on the counter.

The man gives Jake three rings to throw around three cans.

First one goes around the can.

Second one hits the back wall.

Third one just falls before it even reaches the can.

"Don't worry Liv, I'll win for sure this time." He says giving the guy another 5 dollars.

The first and second rings go around the cans.

He swings his hand behind to throw the ring and..

It hits the wall and falls down.

"I'm sorry Liv."

"Hey, it's alright." I try to console him by awkwardly patting his shoulder.

Yeah..  I don't really know how to console someone.

"But I really wanted you to have that puppy." He says pointing at a cute plush toy with bright blue eyes.

"Can I have one try please?" I say giving the guy 5 dollars.

All of the rings that I threw, go perfectly around all three of the cans.

"Wow. Where did you learn to do that?" Jake comments while I get the bright blue eyed puppy from the guy.

"Lexi's dad taught us." I say giving the puppy to Jake.

"Cupcake, I wanted to give it to you," he says sadly.

"Well, then give it to me." I grin and place the toy in his hands.

He chuckles, "You're one unique girl Cupcake." He smiles and hands me the puppy.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment.

For those of you wondering, Jake's the guy she met at the business party.

Also, what are your views on Jake and Liv?

See y'all next Sunday!


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