Chapter 40

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My phone vibrates and I pull it out

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My phone vibrates and I pull it out. I see my doctor's name on the screen and head to my room to pick it up.

"What's up Doc?" I ask, in a good mood.

He chuckles at my highly overused joke. "Olivia I'm gonna need you to come to the hospital tommorow."

"Is everything alright?"

Over the past few weeks I've been going to the hospital every now and then for chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does have it's side effects, like fatigue, hair loss, loss of appetite etc.

Mine was unfortunately Anaemia which is basically a condition where my body lacks haemoglobin. I've started looking a bit pale over the last few weeks but it's not that noticeable.

"Everything's fine but we just need to check if chemo is working for you or not."

"Oh okay. What time do I need to be there?" I ask, hoping I don't have to miss school and seeing everyone.

"Around 9 to 10 preferably." He replies.

"Okay. I'll be there."

Guess I'm not going to school tomorrow then.

I come out of my room absentmindedly and start walking towards the living room.

What if the chemo is not working? What will happen then?

The guilt that I've not told Ry and Will crawls into my chest.

Suddenly I'm pulled into the bathroom by a dark figure.

"The fuck?" I ask, shining my phone into the person's eyes.

"Calm down, it's just me." Will says.

"What's going on?" I ask, searching for the light switch.

"No don't turn the lights on. They might know we're here." He says, pulling my hand back.

"Alright but why are we here in the first place?"

"Ryder's birthday is in 3 days." Will says.

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask, getting excited.

I love birthday's. I'm not really fond of mine but giving people surprises on their birthday and seeing the joyful smiles on their faces just warms my heart.

"I'm telling you now." He chuckles.

"So, what's the plan? A surprise birthday party? Tickets to a concert or a football game? Secret treasure hunt?" I say in a single breath.

"Whoa, slow down." Will chuckles again.

"Sorry, I get excited over birthday's." I smile sheepishly.

"It's cute. Anyways I'm thinking of a 12'o clock surprise, movies tickets with all of us and then a surprise birthday party."

Cute? He thinks I'm cute? Did he actually say that or am I imagining things?

"That sounds awesome." I smile.

Since my phone is still lit up, I can see the faint outline of his face. His eyes are lit up and a dimple appears on his right cheek when he smiles.

Dimples on guys are cute and attractive at the the same time.

"Liv? Are you there?" He asks.

"Yup. Did you call me cute before?" I ask, looking anywhere else besides his face.

Can't keep your mouth shut, can you?

"I did because you are." Will smiles, catching me off guard.

"Uhm, thanks?" I awkwardly say, looking down at my feet. I'm glad it's dark so he can't see my cheeks.

"You're a lot more than cute Liv." He says lifting my chin up with his hand.

Even though it's dark I can still see his eyes, thanks to the little light my phone offers.

He looks into my eyes and his eyes flicker to my lips for a brief second before he lets go of my chin.

What was that?

Was he going to kiss me?

He turns his head towards the side and looks outside the bathroom window.

Should I leave or stay?

What the fuck do I do?

Kiss him.

What? But he's my friend.

So what you dimwit? You like him, then kiss him.

I don't like Will like that.

I mean I don't smile every time I see his face. I don't smile when Lexi mentions his name. My heartbeat doesn't go up when - shit.

I like William Anderson.

Holy fuck, I like Will.

Suddenly Will turns to face me and mutters something along the lines of 'oh fuck it' and presses his lips against mine.

A/N: So that was the chapter, what did ya guys think?

I cannot believe this is Chapter 40, there's around like 10 more chapters before the epilogue.

Thanks for reading!



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