Chapter 47

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Olivia's POV:

"Mom?" I ask, entering the kitchen.

A delightful smell enters my nose making me almost drool.


"Yes honey?" She asks.

"You're making pancakes?" I ask, grabbing myself a plate and perching myself on the counter stool.

"Yup. I had some free time to spare today morning so I decided to make some." Mom says cheerfully.

I don't question her about it and just be glad that at least she's here with me. My parents and I don't really spend much time together as they're always busy in their work.

Involving themselves in more work was their way of getting over the fact that their only daughter had cancer.

"Here you go honey." She smiles placing a plate of pure deliciousness in front of me.

I drizzle a generous amount of maple syrup before digging in.

"This tastes like heaven!"

My mom is a great chef. She used to cook for me all the time when I was little. Unfortunately her cooking reduced as I got older. Sometimes all I wish is to be small again.

"So honey,"

"Yeah?" I ask, too involved in savouring every bite of my breakfast.

"Your father and I have made a decision." She says making me look up in confusion.


"Things are not working between us anymore and we've decided to split up and get a divorce." She says it so casually like it's nothing.

"What? Is that why you made me pancakes?" I ask, pushing away the plate, since I've lost my appetite.

I'm a bit hurt that she made the pancakes only because she was going to drop the bomb on me.

"No of course not. I told you I had some time to spare." She says placing her hand over mine, in an attempt to console me.

I don't believe that was entirely the reason. My parents didn't have a thing as spare time.

"Why are you getting a divorce?" I ask, standing up.

"Things haven't been good between us lately. We just don't love each other anymore." She shrugs.

"So that's it?"

"Yeah. We've started seeing other people too." She shrugs again like it means nothing.

"Other people? Does dad know about this?" I ask surprised and a little bit angry.

"Of course,"

Why does she say it like it means nothing to her? Does she not care?

"Are you sure about this?" I ask.

"Yes honey," She replies putting the plate in the sink.

"Does this not bother you at all?" I ask, my anger rising.

No matter what happens, my parents always act like it's nothing.

"Why would it honey? Your father and I don't love each other anymore."

"Just like you stopped loving me." I say, almost a whisper but I know she heard it.

"What are you talking about? We never stopped loving you." She tries to come close but I back away.

"No mom you don't. It doesn't look like you do either." I can feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.

I think I finally snapped after all these years.

"All you care about is work," I say, my voice cracking.

"That's not true dear."

"Yes it is! Tell me the last time we had a dinner as a family? All three of us?"

"Oh honey," she says pausing in between.

"That's right. It was that long ago you can't even remember. The last time we had dinner as a family was 2 years ago!" I snap, all the feelings which I've bottled all these years coming out like a waterfall.

"But dear we do love you. We're just too busy."

Does she even care about what I just said?

"Busy? Mom I don't think any parent would be busy after they find out that their only daughter has cancer! The fact that I could die any day and all you still care about is work!" I exclaim, heading towards the door.

I need some fresh air.

I open the door and see a tall figure with his eyes cast downwards.

He looks up at the sound of the door opening and closing.


Wait. Fuck. Did he hear what I just said?

"You lied to me."

A/N: An intense chapter along with a cliffhanger, I can just feel the love XD.

Anyways, who's your favorite character so far and why? Mine is probably Ryder.



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