Chapter 20

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"Who's Sophia?"

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"Who's Sophia?"

"Liv, I can't tell you. It's not my place to say." He says sadly.

"Oh, um okay."

"He'll tell you when's he's ready." He assures.

"I gotta go. Catch up with you later?" He asks standing up.

"Sure. See you in English."

I bring my hand up to see the caller ID when I feel my phone vibrate against my palm.

It's Jake.

"Olivia! Where have you been? I've been trying to call you since the past 10 minutes! Do you know how worried I was?" He exclaims as soon as I pick the phone.

"I was in class." I say lying.

I just don't want to explain anything to him at the moment.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. Not being rude but didn't you have lunch period?"

"Um no, I stayed back for some extra work." I grit out through my teeth.

"Okay anyways Cupcake, be ready by 6, I'll pick you up. See ya then cupcake!"

He hangs up before I even have the chance to reply.

Honestly do I even want to go on another date?

The bell rings and pulls me out of my thoughts. The students start crowding in the hallway. Great I have to go to class now.

⏩⏩ Time skip⏩⏩

"My lady." Jake says as he opens the door of the passenger seat for me to sit.

I decided to wear some blue denim ripped jeans along with a Levi's top and some classic white converse.

I decided to wear some blue denim ripped jeans along with a Levi's top and some classic white converse

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"You know you really don't have to do that for me." I say as he jogs over to the other side.

"I know, but I want to." He grins.

"So is this going to be a thing now? You opening the door for me?" I chuckle.

"Only if you want it to be." He looks at me and grins again.

Something's off. I can just feel it. Or I'm just being paranoid.

Yeah, probably the latter.


"I'm sorry, I just spaced out. Could you please repeat what you said earlier?" I smile sheepishly.

"You're cute. And I asked if you're fine if we go to this cafe called Sweet Touch."

"Yeah sure." I smile.

We were already driving there so I don't really know why he asked me that.

"We're here!" He says very enthusiastically.

That was quick.

As soon as we enter into the cafe, I am strongly hit by the scent of cookies.

Cookies! Yum!

The cafe is very cozy and homey looking from the inside.

I'm already loving this place!

We find an empty booth to sit after giving our orders.

"So, are you liking this place?" Jake asks.

"Yup! It smells like my favorite thing ever! Cookies!"

"I'm glad you like it Cupcake." He says placing his hand upon mine.

I don't know why but I just have this strong urge to pull my hand out from under him.

But since that would be rude and weird I ignore the urge and let my hand stay there.

"So what are your plans after school?"

"I've applied to many universities, but I'm really hoping to get into the California University in LA."

"Oh." He says, not bothering to hide his disappointment.

Then suddenly his face lights up as if he thought of the greatest idea in the history of mankind.

Which by the way was Internet but you get what I mean.

"Well you know, if University doesn't work out you could always come with me to explore the world." He says with his hands doing weird motions.

Seriously, what are those? Is that an airplane or a grasshopper?

Then our food comes, saving me from answering his question.

Ahh. Food to the rescue.

He also finally lifts up his hand from mine. Food killed two birds with one stone. Yay Food!

As soon as I take the first bite of my chocolate cookie crunch trifle, I enter into a world of pure bliss!

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As soon as I take the first bite of my chocolate cookie crunch trifle, I enter into a world of pure bliss!

Yes it's that good! I'm not even kidding!

"Oh my gosh, why didn't I find out about this place sooner!" I exclaim in delight.

The best part of this date is probably the food.

"I'm glad I chose this place over the others." He smirks.

I ignore the wierd feeling in my gut and continue devouring my trifle.

Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment

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Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment.

What do you guys think about Jake? Do you think Liv's being paranoid?

This chapter is dedicated to 22Stephanie2003 for all her wonderful comments!❤

That's all so I'll see y'all next Sunday!


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