Chapter 10

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Olivia's POV:

"Who's crushing?" I hear someone say from behind me.

"James! What a surprise!" Lexi exclaims.

"Um Lexi? You texted me to come." James replied and pulled up a chair.

"Oh um yeah, I must've forgotten," she says awkwardly.

"So who's crushing? Also I'm sorry for leaving abruptly earlier, I just felt like I was intruding on a personal conversation." James asks and says apologetically.

"Olivia is!" Lexi exclaims before I can even utter a word.

"What! No I'm not," I defend.

"That's what they all say." she replies back smugly.

"So who's the guy?" James asks.

"There is no guy because I'm not the one crushing alright." I reply back calmly.

"Okay then," James says.

An awkward silence prevails between us. I choose that moment to look at the clock.

5:55 pm.

Oh shit.

William will be at my home in 5 minutes!

"I gotta go!" I say while gathering my things quickly.

⏩⏩Time skip⏩⏩

By the time I reach home, I'm so out of breath.

Yeah more like you're gasping like a hyena.

Shut up conscience. Now's not the time.

You do realize I'm you right? You're basically telling yourself to shut up.

Ugh. Stupid brain.

I see him sitting on the footsteps and I go join him, since I'm still out of breath.

"Are you alright Olivia?" He asks.

"Yeah…just…out…of…breath." I say with breaks in between.

After I'm done gasping,

Gasping like a hyena you mean.

I facepalm in my head.

I take a look at him. He has gorgeous hazel eyes. The street lights are like stars dancing in his eyes. His hair is messy though perfect, making me think he must've run his hands through it a couple of times. He has a perfectly arched nose. Before I can do any further observation I'm interrupted.

"Are you done?" He smirks.

"Huh?" I come out of my trance.

"Are you done checking me out?" He says amusingly and my cheeks turn a light shade of red.

"Let's just go inside." I mutter and rush to the door.

He follows behind chuckling.

I turn on the lights and head to the living room.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I ask.

"Just water would be fine."

"I'll be back." I rush to the kitchen and chug on some water, hoping my cheeks would return to their normal colour.

"I was thinking we could do the project about 'The Starry Night' painting by Vincent Van Gogh." I suggest handing him some water.

"Sure, so what are your views about it?" He asks.

"Well I know that many people have different interpretations about it but I personally think that it depicts Hope."

"It's funny how Vincent was so unappreciated during his life and in his society and now he is considered as a famous impressionist artist." William says thoughtfully.

"So why do you think it depicts hope?" He asks.

"Well because even in such a dark night like that, it is still possible to see light in the windows of the houses. Also with the bright stars shining in the sky, there is always light to guide you."

"Wow I guess I never really thought of it that way."

"I get strong feelings of hope from the bright lights of the stars shining down over the dark landscape." I smile and say.

⏩⏩ Time skip brought to you by Vincent Van Gogh⏩⏩

"So where and when do we meet next for the project?" William asks, leaning on the front door.

"There's this small cafe near to the school. How about there tommorow after school?" I suggest.

"Sure, I'll meet you in the parking lot after school then."

There was a silence between us then. And no it wasn't awkward or anything.. it was rather peaceful.

"Uhm, I better get going now, see you tommorow." William says suddenly as if he just realized something and rushes out the door.

What just happened?

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading!

If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment.

Also I'm really sorry for the late update. Wifi problems.

What do you think about Liv and Will?

See y'all next Sunday!


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