Chapter 35

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"So tell me, how did it feel kissing him?" She finally asks

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"So tell me, how did it feel kissing him?" She finally asks.

"It was different." I reply.

"Different as in good different or bad different?" She asks.

"Good different."

"Do you want to kiss him again?"

"What is this? A Vogue interview?"
"Yup. Now answer."

"I don't know Lex. I don't want things to get weird between us." I fumble with my hands.

"So you do want to kiss him again!" She exclaims.

"Goodnight Lexi." I say ending the conversation and going to my room.

"Killjoy." Lexi mutters.

Do I want to kiss Will again?


"Morning." I say, plopping myself on one of the stools.

"Morning Liv." Will says turning the frying pan.

"Is everyone else still asleep?"

"I think so. Omelette?" He asks.


There's a peaceful silence between us before I decide to break it.

"Are you alright? After what happened last night?" I ask cautiously.

"Yeah. It's just I wasn't expecting her to ask that." He says, serving me a plate of omelette.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your sister?" I ask, putting a bite in my mouth.

"It's something which I try to avoid talking about because it brings back too many memories. Memories that are better to be kept locked away in a part of my mind." He sighs.

"Oh okay."

If he wants to tell me then he will. I won't force him.

We finish up with our breakfast and put away the dishes.

"Guess everyone is still asleep." Will says deep in thought.

"Yeah." I sit on the couch when he gets up and starts walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask, standing up now.

"Come with me." He says, with his back still facing away from me.

I jog to reach up to him and close the door when I reach outside.

"Where are we going?" I ask, walking beside him.

"Just taking a walk. Enjoying nature, something we forget in our daily lives."

There's a peaceful silence and we reach up the beach.

I can see and hear the waves crashing over each other. The smell of the sea relaxes me.

"Emily was my sister. She was a year older than me and much more mature. She was always there to comfort me whenever our parents fought. She had bright green eyes which were filled with the desire to live and explore, just like yours. That's why the first time I saw you I was captivated. Your eyes remind me so much of her."

"What happened to her?"

"It was about two years ago and she was picking me and Ry from a party we went to. We were in our freshman year and decided to check out the party the popular senior was hosting. Anyways, it was a little later than midnight when she came. She picked us up and we sat in the car. Ry was almost asleep. We dropped him at his house and left for ours. Since it was so late, there was no one on the streets and we were joking about how Ry had a tiny crush on her." He smiles, recalling the memory.

"We were laughing when suddenly out of thin air a drunk truck driver came and smashed into our car. Our car was utterly smashed and glass flew everywhere. I hit my head and blood started pouring out. I remember hearing the sound of sirens before passing out." He stops in his tracks.

I stop beside him, waiting for what's about to come next.

"I woke up in a white hospital room and saw my parents faces. They were crushed. It's like something in them had just stopped working. That's when I knew that Emily couldn't make it." He sighs.

"I can't even imagine what you must've gone through." I say wrapping my arms around him.

"She said she wouldn't ever leave me." He says, hugging me back.

"Sometimes I wish it was me instead of her. Maybe then Dad wouldn't have left either."

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