Chapter 37

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"What the fuck?" Will says as Jake enters into the class

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"What the fuck?" Will says as Jake enters into the class.

"What is he doing here?" I ask to no one in particular.

"This is Jake and he just transferred from the school next to us. You can give an introduction if you want and sit anywhere." The teacher says going back to his phone.

"I'm Jake and I hope to make some great friends here." He says looking straight at me with an evil glint in his eye.

Since the only seat remaining is the one next to Lucy, he plops himself down and the class begins.

"I swear if he even touches you, I'm gonna break his nose." Will says in between the class.

After a long boring lecture, we head to our lockers. I see Ry and Lexi chatting next to my locker.

"Ry? Are you okay?" I ask because I haven't seen him since the morning at the lodge.

"Yeah. Thanks for asking." He smiles.

"There's the Ry I know." I smile giving him a side hug.

I put my books into the locker and Will joins us soon after.

"Liv, what is Jake doing here?" Lexi asks, looking straight ahead.

"He transferred here. He was in our last class."

"What the actual fuck?" Ry chuckles looking straight ahead.

"What?" I ask, turning around myself.

In all their glory, I see Jake and Lucy, walking hand in hand like lovers.

He literally just transferred here.

"Damn they found their perfect match." Will chuckles.

"Match made in heaven." I chuckle.

They come and stand in front of us as if posing for a photoshoot.

"Do you want us to take your picture? Cuz that ain't gonna happen." Lexi says, voicing my thoughts.

"We just wanted to make you aware that we're happily in love and you're gonna regret it every moment of your life." Lucy replies.

"Especially you Olivia." Jake says from behind Lucy.

Lucy doesn't wait for a reply and just walks off with Jake following behind her.

"Oh my God. Who does she think she is?" I burst out laughing.

"Regret? I'm ecstatic that's she's gone." Ry chuckles along with me.

"Man you two just find the perfect dates." Lexi chuckles.

"Let's head to lunch before they come back and show that they're in love with each other." Will adds in, laughing as well.


"Is Jake your ex?" Ry asks.

"More like a psychopath." Will buts in.

"Nope, we never dated. Found out about his intentions early, total player." I say, eating a fry.

"Well now he's Lucy's dog." James chuckles, looking over at their table.

"Guys, I'm sorry if Lucy ruined your weekend." Ry says, looking down at his food.

"It's okay Ry. You didn't even invite her. She invited herself." I reply.

"Yeah and anyways that's in the past. At least she won't bother us now." Will replies, placing a hand on Ryder's shoulder.

"But man did I love ice water being poured over her." Lexi starts chuckling.

"Yeah. That was epic." Will says and everyone starts laughing.

"Especially when she was all like, my dress! My limited edition!" I say, imitating Lucy and everyone bursts into another round of laughter.

We chat for a while till the bell rings. I throw my trash away and we say our goodbyes. I start heading to class with Lexi.

"Liv, do you know why the chicken crossed the road?" Lexi asks.


"To get to the idiots house." She say and I nod.

"Knock knock." She says after a while.

"Who's there?" I ask.

"The chicken." She says, barely suppressing her laugh. As soon as she says this she takes off, trying to get away from me.

"You gotta be kidding me." I deadplan.

"Oh and also, math class is the other way!" I shout to her running figure.

I chuckle when she pouts and returns back. She makes sure to look at me warily and keep a distance between us as we walk to class.

"Why are you walking that far away from me?" I ask chuckling, even though I know the reason.

"Because I know you and I know you're not gonna let me get away with it." She replies.

"Oh my dear Lexi," I take a pause and she looks at me confused.

"You know me so well." I state and run after her as she tries to get away.

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