Chapter 8

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Olivia's POV:

As soon as we heard those words come out of Lexi's mouth, we rushed out of the lunch hall, out of the school and jumped into the car.

There was utter silence in the car as not one of us knew what to say neither thought about saying anything in a condition like this.

Mrs Blake was one of the kindest, sweetest person you would ever meet. She was like my second mother. Whenever my parents were away for a business trip, she was the one who took care of me. I couldn't possibly imagine something like this happening to her. I hope it's nothing too serious.

We reached the hospital in less then 10 minutes because of Lexi's insanely fast driving. How we managed not to break any traffic rules during that? No idea.

"Mellissa Blake?" We ask the counter lady in a hurry.

"Room 256."

We dash to the stairs in order to get to the room.

Lexi's dad wasn't around much since he was in the military. He would come home for a month or two and then go back. But whenever he would, he would try to spend most of his time with Mrs Blake and Lexi.

"Oh George, I told you, you should've listened to me earlier!" We heard someone voice and then laughter coming out of room 256.

Huh. Wierd. Is this the right room?

James, Lexi and I look at each other weirdly.

"Mom?" Lexi says as she opens the door

As soon as Lexi opens the door the sight we see is nothing like we had imagined.

There in her hospital dress lay Mrs Blake, laughing and talking with her doctor.

"What's going on Mom? I got a call saying that you had been in a car accident." Lexi says quietly.

"It wasn't a big deal Lex, see I'm alright. Just a sprained ankle and wrist." Mrs Blake says smiling.

"Don't scare me like that again Mom." Lexi says and hugs Mrs Blake.

"Lexi, meet George, we used to be friends in high school and coincidentally he's my doctor."

"Ohh so that's why we heard laughing." I say.

"Yes honey, we were just catching up, it's been so so long."she smiles at us.

"Oh okay." Lexi says awkwardly.

"Is this the lovely lady you were talking about?" George says looking at Lexi.

"Yes, that's my Lex." she smiles proudly at Lexi.

Suddenly George's gaze shifts to me.


No please no.

Please don't say anything.

"Liv? You're here early. Your appointment isn't till after school." George questions.


Why me.

I know I'm being dramatic but how do you expect me to tell my friends that I'm suffering from a life threatening disease?

Calm down Olivia.

Maybe you could tell them you had a cold? Yeah let's try that.

"Earth to Liv." Lex waves her arms in front of me."

"Sorry I spaced out." I smile sheepishly.

"I actually came to see Mrs Blake."

"You haven't told them yet?" George asks.

"Well I have to get going, need to check up on other patients." he waves at us and walks towards the door.

"Better tell them while you still can Liv." he tells me and walks out.

"What appointment was he talking about?"Lex questions.

"Oh um, I have a cold." i say nervously.

"I can tell when you're lying Liv, there's something you're not telling me."

I guess it's time I tell her. I've been putting it off for too long anyways.

"Could we talk outside?" I sigh and ask.

She looks at me with confusion but follows me out anyways.

"You might want to take a seat."

"I'm getting scared now Liv, if this is a prank I swear I'm gonna break your bones."

I chuckle because I know she's not joking.

I take a deep breath. Come on Liv, you can do it.

Just spit it out.

"I have cancer."

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading, voting and commenting! Hope now has over 1K reads!!

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See y'all next Sunday!


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