Chapter 50

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William's POV:

How could she? How could she lie to me?

My thoughts run through my brain at the same speed my car does.

Did she even feel the same way as I did? Did she feel her heart exploding and a feeling of pure bliss when we kissed like I did?

Why'd she do this to me?

Why do I always get hurt?

I stop the car and head inside my house.

"Hey, you're back pretty early." Ry says, seeing me enter.

I don't reply and keep walking.

"Did somebody not get their kisses from Livy bear?" Ry teases.

"Ryder shut the fuck up." I say and storm out the door again, hitting his shoulder in the process.

"What the fuck?" I hear him say once I'm out the door.

I head to the only person whom I can vent out all my feelings.



After about 2 hours of endless driving I finally reached the town we left behind.

Our home town. The place we grew up. The place which holds all of our memories. The place where Emily died.

I slowly halt my car in front of the town's graveyard.

I slowly open the gates and head inside, trying not to gain any attention.

My legs automatically work, heading to the place.

I come to a stop and stand in front of her gravestone.

In loving memory of Emily Anderson.


Beloved daughter, sister and best friend.

"Hey Em, it's been a while." My voice comes out shaky as I place myself on the ground.

"The last time I saw you was almost six months ago, when we were leaving this town." I say looking around.

"A lot has happened in the past six months. I met some new people and an amazing girl who has bright green eyes just like you. The first time I saw her, I couldn't take my eyes off her."

"She found a way to break my walls that I'd been building up since you left. I was scared of getting hurt and rejected. She came and made my life brighter and now she's the one who's hurt me the most. She's dying and she didn't even care enough to tell me." A lonely tear escapes from my eye.

"You know the weird thing is, that even after she's crushed my heart more than anyone ever could, I can't hate her. I couldn't even dislike her even if I wanted to." A dry laugh escapes my mouth as a cool breeze brushes through my ear.

"After I found out, I just left because I couldn't think straight. I was rude to Ryder too. Fuck, Liv is dying and I left her there!" I curse.

"I have to go. I didn't get to say goodbye to you and I don't want that to happen again." I say sadly, getting up on my feet.

"Bye Em, take care." I say, placing a light kiss on the stone.


"Ryder?" I ask, opening the front door.

I need to apologise to him.

"Ryder?" I ask, coming inside the kitchen when I don't find him in the living room.

Maybe he went home.

I drive to his house, watching as the street lamps start to brighten.

I knock on the door and his dad opens the door.

"Is Ryder home?" I ask.

"I'm afraid not kiddo."

I say goodbye and I'm about to call Ryder when my phone starts to ring.

It's Ryder.

"Ryder where are you? I need to talk to you."

"Hospital. Liv."

A/N: So that was the chapter, what'd y'all think?

There's only 3 chapters left! I cannot believe how close this book is to getting over!

Anyways, what's your favorite food?


~Sky :)

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