Chapter 24

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"Olivia? Sorry I fell asleep

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"Olivia? Sorry I fell asleep. I'll get going now." William says as he enters into the kitchen and gets ready to leave.

"Are you sure? The weather doesn't seem good. You could stay in the guest bedroom if you like?" I suggest.

"No, it's alright. I better get going." He denies and walks out the kitchen.

"Stay if he liked or stay if you liked?" Lexi asks winking.

"Shush Lexi." I say as I follow him to the front door.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" I ask.

"Yeah. Bye Olivia." He gives me a small smile and leaves.

"Ooh see ya tommorow." Lexi says suggestively.

I facepalm.

"You can't deny your own words Liv!" She says going into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I ask as she rummages in the cupboard.

"Oh ya know, just hunting elephants."

"Keep the sarcasm to yourself Honey." I reply chuckling.

"I'm not sarcastic. I'm just intelligent beyond your understanding. Also do you know when your parents are gonna be back?" She grins and grabs a box of fruit loops.

"Not really. They come home for a few days and then leave for another trip." I say shrugging.

"So what do you wanna watch?" She says plopping herself onto the couch and grabbing the remote.

"Friends?" I suggest.

"Friends?" I suggest

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"You know it!"

⏩⏩Time skip⏩⏩

Currently it's 6 a.m. and I'm taking a walk.

Yes. A morning walk.

For some reason, my body got up early. Very early.

And the thing is that I can't fall back asleep after waking up.

Sometimes when I walk, I notice things I wouldn't usually notice. Like how it's so peaceful and calm when everyone's asleep. I notice how the clouds make abstract shapes in the sky. I notice the birds chirping and singing beautiful melodies. I notice the leaves falling down slowly and delicately like a feather.

After my walk I return home to check up on Lexi. She stayed over last night after William left.

I open the door as lightly as I can and enter the room. She's sprawled across the bed like a starfish.

"You awake?" I ask.

"Nop, I'm talking to you in my sleep." She replies sarcastically.

"Okay then, guess I'll just make pancakes for myself." I start walking out the door slowly.

"No wait! I'll be down in 10!" She says rushing into the bathroom.

I chuckle and go downstairs to make some chocolate chip pancakes.

I chuckle and go downstairs to make some chocolate chip pancakes

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⏩⏩Time skip⏩⏩

"Morning Livy, lovebirds." Ry wishes us as William and him sit down at our lunch table.

I smile at William and he smiles back.

"So any plans for today? It's the weekend." Ry asks.

"I heard Cameron is throwing a party. Everyone's invited." Lexi suggests.

"I'm in! What about you guys?" Ry says excitedly, slurping his smoothie.

Murmurs of agreement can be heard from around the table.

"This weekend is going to be a blast!" Ry exclaims.

"Liv, my place after school." Lexi says, popping a fry in her mouth.

"We'll pick you guys up from Lexi's place at 8." James says.

"Okay but have any of you guys seen Mr Clark's humongous sized wart? It's like Lewbert's from iCarly." William says suddenly surprising everyone.

Everyone stares at William in surprise.

"What? Why's everyone staring at me like that?"

"You've seen iCarly?" Lexi asks in shock.

"Yeah. Someone made me watch it." William shrugs.

"I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw it. Heck it could even be bigger than Lewbert's!" I exclaim.

"Warts, really? You guys are weird." James says.

"Says the person who was fighting over chips!" I accuse pointing a finger at James.

"You did not just go there! Chips are God's divine gift sent to humankind and should not be disrespected!" James argues.

"Can't disagree with that." Lexi nods her head in agreement.

"Although babe, I'll make you watch iCarly one day." Lexi smiles and gets up to throw her trash.

"Hey, wanna walk to Art together?" I ask William.

"Sure." He slings his bag over one shoulder and begins to walk.

"See you guys later." I wave.

I hear a chorus of byes before we exit the lunch hall.

"So you're coming to the party today right?" I question.


We're about to walk inside the class when I notice something.

Everyone's staring at us.

Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment

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Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment.

So what did you guys think of this chapter? What did you think of Liv and William?

Anyways that's all so I'll see y'all next Sunday!


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