Chapter 32

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Olivia's POV:

"20 questions?" Will asks.


Currently I'm in the car with him to Ry's beach house. Where are the others you might ask? Well Lexi tagged along with James obviously and I didn't want to third wheel. I would go with Ry but Lucy came along with him and I don't think I could've heard her chatter for 2 long hours. So I tagged along with Will.

"Any siblings?" He asks.

"Nope. Only child. What about you?"

"An older sister. Emily." He says sighing.

"Cool. Is she our age?" I ask interested. I didn't know he had a sister. Maybe we could hang out sometime.

"Yeah. She's a year older than me."

"Favorite hobby?" He asks.

"Well either reading or hiking." I smile thinking about all the adventures I've had over the past few years.

"Didn't take you for one to hike."

"Well what can I say? I love adventures. Can you play any instruments?"

"Nope but Ryder can. Birthday?"

"June 26th."

"Oh that's next month."

"Yeah." I say sighing, knowing my parents won't be able to make it this year either.

"Don't like Birthdays?"

"I do it's just that my parents are always busy and never in town. I can't remember the last time I celebrated my birthday with them." I say sadly.


"This place is huge!" I say admiring the wooden furniture which has a vintage look to it.

"Wow." Lexi exclaims as she enters with James.

"Looks like the only person missing is the host." James says bringing in their bags.

"Oh my God this place is awesome!" Lucy says in her extremely high pitched voice.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Lexi whispers from beside me.

"Overheard Ry and James talking. Invited herself." I reply, sighing.

"This place looks so old! But I think I can make it work for my Instagram pictures." She says going around the house.

"Seriously Ryder?" Lexi asks annoyed.

"I'm sorry alright. I didn't want her to come either." He says picking up the bags.

"Lexi we came here to enjoy and Lucy is not going to stop us from having fun." James says slinging an arm over her and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Couple goals? I think so.

"So who's ready to swim!?" Ry says pumping his fist in the air like a madman.

"Let's go bitches!" Lexi says running to change.

My friends everyone.

"Heck yeah!" I scream running after Lexi.

Glad I know these people.


"You know I could probably beat you in wrestling match." Lexi says.

"What? No way Lex." I deny even though I know she's right.

Lexi is damn strong.

"Wanna prove me wrong in a game of shoulder wars?" Lexi proposes.

"Right now?" I ask.

"Yup. Afraid you're gonna lose?" She smirks.

"Bring it on." I smirk back at her.

"Alright everyone we're playing shoulder wars and I'm with James!" Lexi calls out.

"I'm with Ry." Lucy declares inspecting her nails for sand.

"Guess that leaves us." William shrugs.

"Yup. We have to win this."

"I'd love to see you try." Lexi smirks.

"First up Ry and Lucy against Lexi and James." I announce.

"Do we have to play this childish game? What if my nails break?" Lucy exclaims.

"Alright then you lose by default." Lexi shrugs.

"What? I never lose."

"Then hop on Ryder's back and let's get this fight started." Lexi says with an evil glint in her eye.


"I can't believe I lost!" Lucy groans.

"I still can't believe Liv won." Lexi shakes her head.

To be honest, I don't know either. Lexi is much stronger then me. Guess Will and I make a good team.

"You go Livy!" Ry says hugging me.

"Told you I'd win Lex." I smirk.

"Yeah yeah. You got lucky this time." Lexi says.

"We won!" I say, turning around to look at Will.

"Sure did. Guess we make a good team." He says giving me a high-five.

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