Chapter 46

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Olivia's POV:

Will drops me home after our little adventure and I head back inside to get ready for my appointment.

I chug on a glass of water and head out the door. I'm not really hungry after eating all the snacks Will bought even though it's almost 10 in the morning now.

I soon reach the hospital and so my day of being observed and tested on by doctors begins.

It's not like I hate it or anything, I just get really bored throughout the day.

"Ready for your tests, Olivia?" My usual doctor asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be."


"Ah fresh air." I hug the air as soon as I reach outside, probably looking like a freak to everyone around me.

But who cares? I'm just happy I finally got those tests done.

As soon as I reach home my phone begins to vibrate in my hand.

I had lowered the volume when I was at the hospital and seems like I forgot to turn it back up.

Will's name flashes on my screen and I find myself smiling for no apparent reason. Huh, that's weird.

"Hey." I say, picking up the call.

"Hey," he replies making me chuckle.

"You called me to say hey?" I ask jokingly.

"Nope, I just missed hearing your voice."

"I saw you like 5 hours ago." I chuckle.

"I know."

"Wanna come over?" He asks and I bite my lip.

Should I?

"We can watch movies and I can call Ryder and Lexi over." He says, to make me feel comfortable.

"Okay. I'll see you soon." I finally give in.

We bid our goodbyes and I end the call.

I change into some comfy yet presentable clothes.

I grab a hoodie and put on my sneakers, heading out the door.

His house isn't that far away from mine so it only takes me about 15 minutes to reach there.

I ring the bell anxiously and wait for the door to open.

I am greeted by smiling Will and an excited Ry.

"Livy!" Ry says, crushing me in a hug.

"You're gonna be alright." He whispers and nods his head as if convincing himself.

He unwraps his hands and heads to where I think is the living room.

"Hey you." Will smiles, making me look at him.

"Hey." I smile back because his smile is damn contagious.

"Come on in." Will says, closing the door behind him.

I start to head to the same place where Ry went when I hear Lexi shouting.

"What? No hug for me?" Will says from behind.

I chuckle and wrap my arms around his waist since he's too tall compared to me. He encloses me in his arms and rests his head on mine.

"I missed you." He mumbles, almost inaudibly.

Tell him you dumbass!

Now is not the time! He seems happy and I don't want to be the one who takes that away from him!

We separate from each other and head to the living room.


"Get your feet off me!" Lexi groans and pushes Ry's feet off her lap.

"Aw c'mon Lex, Liv wouldn't have said anything." Ry whines putting his feet back in her lap.

"In case you haven't noticed I'm not Liv." Lexi replies, pushing his feet off again.

But Ry being Ry, puts his feet back up in her lap.

And once again Lexi pushes them. This time though Ry falls off the couch due to the force and lands on the carpet in front.

"Hey!" Ry whines.

"That's what you get for messing with Lexi." Lexi smiles smugly.

Ry stands up and crosses his arms, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Okay then." He says and plops down on Lexi.

"What the hell? Get off me you oompaloompa!" Lexi groans from under him.

"And that folks is what you get when you mess with Ryder. Thanks for watching and have a good night." Ry ends putting his hands together.

"You're so fucking FAT!"

"Fat and me? This is pure muscle, have you seen my abs? They're to die for!" Ry exclaims like a 13 year old girl making me burst in laughter.

"What?" Lexi chuckles.

"Gee girl nobody can resist my body!" Ry exclaims flipping his non existent long hair.

"Did you just-?" My question is cut off by my laughing.

"Oh my fucking gosh." I say, still laughing like a clown.

"Did he just flip his hair?" Lexi asks and her question is answered by me bursting out in another round of laughter .

"Kids. My friends are Kids." Will adds, shaking his head, his lips pulled upwards unable to prevent the grin from appearing.

"Girl you should've seen it! Oh too bad you're crushed by sexy Ryder with sexy abs!" Ry exclaims adding another hair flip.

"Today is gonna be the death of my stomach. Rest in peace man." I add, chuckling.

Finally Will cracks and starts laughing with us.

I look around and see the people I've gotten immensely close to within a short period of time. Besides Lexi of course.

These people have been by side at every step and I'm so lucky to know them, I just hope this is not the last time that I see them.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I wasn't going to post another chapter today but I just saw that we hit 9K reads!

What's your favorite TV show? Mine is Friends and Riverdale.


~Sky :)

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