Chapter 12

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Olivia's POV:

I wait in the parking lot for William to arrive since we agreed to work on our project at the cafe.

I haven't seen him since he abruptly left without saying anything.

I see him enter the parking lot. His eyes wander around until they land on me.

He walks towards me.

"Let's go." He says grimly and starts walking towards the Cafe.

Well, I guess I have to go too.

⏩⏩Time skip⏩⏩

We decided to divide the project in two parts and we'll each do one. We worked on our parts thereafter.

Boring, I know.

"So um, what happened back there at lunch?" I ask cautiously because I don't want to intrude.


He stares at me and leaves.

Wow. Rude.

After he left I decide to go over to Lexi's house since I'm pretty confused.

I try opening the door but it's locked.

Hmm. I need the key.

I look underneath the flower pot.

Aha! Found it!

I open the door and step inside. I peek to see if someone is there.

Nope. All clear.

I tip toe over to Lex's room. Knowing Lexi, she's probably jamming out to songs.

I peek in her room to see that she's sitting on her desk writing in her journal with her earphones in.

Ah! Perfect opportunity.

To be honest I don't really understand how she's kept a journal for all these years.

I mean I tried once but then a kid at school found it and read a page which I had written, out loud. And lucky for me the page that he chose was about my crush at that time.

Yup. To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement. I never tried keeping a journal again.

Anyway back to the current situation. Like I said it's the perfect opportunity to give Lexi a fright. Especially since she can't see me nor hear me coming.

I enter her room and tip toe over to her desk like a spy, making the least amount of noise as possible.

Alright. Here I go.

And t..
"I know you're right behind my chair ready to scare me." Lex cuts me off by saying.

Ah. Dang it!

She turns around and raises an eyebrow at me." Liv, I've known you long enough to know when you're gonna scare me."

"Also, you need to work on your tip-toe skills."

"Lexx, you take the fun out of everything!" I say and fall face first on her bed.

"Well what do you want me to do? Pretend to be scared?" She chuckles.

"Precisely." My voice comes out  muffled from under the pillow.

Lex just chuckles.

"Okay so what is it that you wanna tell me?" She asks.

"How'd you know I had something to ask?" I ask even though I know the answer to that.

"I've know you since childhood Liv. At least give me some credit here." She crosses her arms and sits beside me.

"Well, it's about William. He's acting very strange."

"Strange how?" Lexi ask propping her elbows up and under her chin, completely absorbed in what I'm about to say.

"Well for one, he left the lunch hall when he saw that he had to sit with us. When I asked him about that at the cafe, he left abruptly once again." I explain, leaving out what happened at my house because I'm in no mood to be teased by Lex.

"Well maybe he has a lot going on in his life right now. Give him some time and I'm sure he'll come around."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course I am." She flips her hair dramatically.

"So now for the important question, do you like.." she's interrupted when my phone starts to ring.

I look at the caller ID.

It's Jake.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment.

A couple of days ago, Hope hit 2K reads and 600 reads! I can't thank you guys enough!❤

What do guys think about William so far? Also, why do you think Jake is calling Liv?

That's all. See y'all next Sunday!


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