Chapter 33

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"So who is ready to have some fun?!" Lexi shouts

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"So who is ready to have some fun?!" Lexi shouts.

"What have you got in mind Lex?" I ask.

"Truth or Dare." She grins evilly and has an evil glint in her eye.

Oh boy. This is not going to end well.

"Classic. I'm in! Let's do this!" Ry shouts, sitting on the floor.

"I'll go first. Ryder, pick." James says, plopping down next to Lexi.

"Dare." Ry says confidently.

"You have to go outside and run around screaming 'bloody murder' for at least 10 minutes." James smirks.

"Man and I really thought we were getting along." Ry jokes.

"Wish me luck." He sighs dramatically and gets up.

He walks towards the door and steps out with us following after him.

"Alright. Here goes nothing." He mutters under his breath, before he starts to run around like a madman with his hands up in the air.

"Don't forget what you have to say!" James shouts.

"Bloody murder! Bloody fucking murder!" He screams, making the people on the beach look at him weirdly.

"Nice one James." Will comments.

We watch Ry for around 10 minutes and head inside when he comes huffing, out of breath and plops down on one of the couches.

"I…..will..get you…back..for this!" Ry say in between breaths.

"Sure. I'll be waiting." James chuckles and we all sit down again.

"I'll go next! Lucy, pick." I say.

"Dare, I'm not some scared hot girl!" She says flipping her hair.

"Get a bucket of ice cold water dropped on you." I shrug.

"What!? I'm not doing that!" She exclaims.

"Why? Too scared?" I smirk, folding my arms over my chest.

"Alright fine." She slumps.

"Lexi get the bucket, I'll get the ice."

We put the ice along with some water in a bucket and head outside.

"Lexi would you do the honors of helping me?" I ask.

"Of course your majesty." She play along and stands beside me.

"Ready Lucy?" I ask, enjoying this more than I should.

"It's not the ice I'm concerned about, it's my dress! It's limited edition! Do you even know how hard-" Before she can say anything else, we cut her off by emptying the entire bucket of ice water over her head.

"This is so fudging cold! My dress! My limited edition!" She exclaims, examining her dress.

Lexi and I suppress our laughs till she's out of sight then burst out laughing after.

"So who wants to go next?" James asks.

"I'll go. You pick." Ry says.

"Dare." James says smugly.

"You're not ready for what I've got in store for you." Ry says rummaging through his bag.

"Bring it on Jones."

"Well since James here gave me a dare in which I couldn't speak properly, I thought why not give him the same treatment." Ry smiles like the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland.

"You're not giving me the same dare, are you?" James asks, his smirk faltering.

"No my dear friend. Much worse in my opinion." Ry finally finds what he's looking for and puts it in his pocket quickly.

"Alright. I'm ready. What is it?"

"A few days ago Liv and Lexi were telling me about the peanut butter-spice incident and how you have a really low tolerance for spicy food." Ry begins.

Oh I think I know where he's going with this.

"Yeah so?" James shrugs cooly and looks at Lex and I with a pointed glare.

"Well here you go my friend." Ry says pulling out a small chocolate bar from his pocket.

"You're giving him chocolate as a dare?" Lexi asks confused.

"It's not just chocolate. It's the most spiciest chocolate. Well, at least the spiciest one I could find." Ry explains.

"So how much do I have to eat of this?"

"All if it." Ry shrugs.

"Okay." James says and opens the wrapper.

As soon as he takes the bite, he begins to sweat. He begins chewing as we all watch him intently. He swallows a bite and begins to take another one.

"It's so sweet, isn't it?" Ry says earning him a glare from James.

"I-can-t-do-it!" James says sweating profusely. He rushes into kitchen and chugs a whole carton of milk.

"And that my friends is how you get revenge." Ry grins.

"Next time when I want revenge, remind me to call you." Will says, giving him a high-five.

"Who's next?" I ask.

"Me of course. Liv pick." Lexi says, turning towards me.

"Dare of course. Truth is sick today and couldn't make it." I joke.

"Kiss Will."

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