Chapter 19

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Olivia's POV:

"So that's what he told me." As soon as I finish telling Ry what happened with William, his face contours into anger.

"That asshole." He storms off with me following after him.

"Ry wait! Stop!" I call out but he doesn't seem to hear me.

He turns around the corner and stops.

"William Anderson!" Ry spits out in rage.

Did he find him? I decide to peek and see Ry and William with both of their backs turned towards me.


"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"There's nothing right." William chuckles.

"Now is the not the time for jokes!"

Ry seems really angry. If we were in a cartoon, his face would probably be as red as a tomato and smoke would be coming out of his ears.

"Alright. What is it?"

"What did you tell Livy? You know she's not like most girls. She's different."

"Oh yeah, then why don't you go tell her that." William says coldy.

Wow. He really doesn't like me.

"You're afraid something will happen to her like Sophia, aren't you?" Ry says suddenly, softly.

Wasn't smoke coming out of his ears a moment ago?

Sophia? Who's Sophia?

William turns around as soon he hears her name, making me hide behind the wall.

"That's not," William starts to say but Ry cuts him off, "You and I both know that's the case. The only thing you're afraid of is that she'll face the same fate as Soph."

"I just don't want her to get hurt because of me."

Who is he talking about? Me?

"Will, they don't know where you are. They can't reach you remember? Livy is safe."

Yup. They're talking about me. Safe from who?

I couldn't be more confused.

"You don't know them Ryder. They can do anything. I'm pretty sure they won't let me off the hook that easily."

Who's them? God, I'm so confused.

"But that doesn't mean you have to hurt someone's feelings." Ry says sadly.

"I went too far, didn't I? I didn't mean anything what I said. I just don't want her to get hurt."

Huh? What? Am I hearing it right?

"DONT YOU GIVE UP, NA NA NA. I WON'T GIVE UP NA NA NA. LET ME LOVE YOU." And that's when my stupid phone decides to ring.

Seriously Justin Bieber, you couldn't pick a more better time to sing.

"Who's there?" I hear William ask.

Crap! Shit!

I bolt as fast as I can like Usain Bolt away from them. See what I did there?

Concentrate Liv!

I reach my locker and rest my back against it. I gasp taking in long breaths.

I really should go to a gym. Maybe then I'll actually be able to run in situations like this.

Ah who am I kidding.

Food is bae.

I slide down the locker and sit on the floor.

Suddenly whatever I just heard hits me.

He didn't mean what he said. He wants me to stay away from him because he doesn't want me to get hurt like someone named Sophia?

That's all that I've got from their conversation.

I hear footsteps coming towards me and I almost get up to bolt again but relax when I see that it's just Ryder.

He comes near and plops down beside me.

"So, how much did ya hear?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Which might I add, he can't really raise his eyebrow. He's just moving them in a really wierd way.

I burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I can't take you seriously when you do that with your eyebrows!" I say in the midst of chuckling.

"Do what? All I'm doing is raising an eyebrow! Also don't change the topic Livy." He exclaims.

"That thing!" I stop for a moment but chuckle when he 'raises' his eyebrow again.

"I knew it was you Livy. How much did you hear?" He sighs.

"How are you so sure that it was...DONT YOU GIVE UP, NA NA NA.." I say but then get cut off yet once again by Justin Bieber.

I swear Justin has the worst timings.

He gives me the 'I knew it and I told you so' look.

I give out a nervous laugh and put my phone on silent.

"Okay, it was me. I heard some of it. And all I've gotten from it is that he didn't mean anything he said, he doesn't want me to get hurt." I say defeatedly, knowing that I've been caught red handed.

"Even if you don't believe it yet, everything that Will said was true."

Suddenly a question pops up in my head.

"Ry can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure."

"Who's Sophia?"

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment.

Also, who do you think Sophia is?

This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends r_GGgirl since it's her birthday tommorow!

Also, I've decided to feature some fan covers, so if you have any you can send it to me through my email which is in my bio.

That's all so I'll see y'all next Sunday!


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