Chapter 11

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Olivia's POV:

Currently I'm in math class.

Yay me.

Sarcasm. Yes that was sarcasm.

I don't get the point of teaching all those wierd questions and all you know.

Like I'm never going to buy 86 watermelons!

Neither am I going to drop a smaller cone in another big cone which is filled with 2/3rd water! That'll just make a mess which I'll have to eventually clean! And I'm too lazy to clean.

If you couldn't tell by now, I don't really like math.

Then suddenly a plane comes crashing on my desk.

My desk smashes and erupts into flames .

Flames erupt from my now burned desk.

The entire school sets on fire.

Students run to get to the nearest exit to save their precious lives.

And most importantly my math class sets on fire.

Ah who am I kidding. Math will never let go of me that easily.

Paper. It was a paper plane.

Looking closer I see that it has some writing on it.

Hey, can you please tell Mr Clark to find his own x. I'm getting tired of finding her for him.

I struggle to control my laughter.

I look around to see who's sent this lovely letter plane to me.

I see a boy with Chestnut hair and cute dimples, grinning at me.

I write back on it.

Yeah sure and while I'm at it I'll also tell him to find out y. There must've been a decent reason for her to leave him. It surely couldn't have been his huge wart!

His wart is even bigger than Lewbert's!

If you've seen iCarly, you know what I'm talking about.

I fold it back up and send it to him.

I see as he opens and reads it and his body silently shakes with laughter.

"Mr Johnson can you please give us the answer to the question on the board or are you too busy laughing?" The teacher questions him.

"It's 45.90." he answers back confidently.

"Correct but no more laughing in class." he says and turns around to avoid more embarrassment to himself.

Some kids including myself and dimple guy chuckle silently behind his back.

Then I hear the most amazing sound that I've been waiting for since the beginning of math! The Bell ringing!

Yes I'm free at last!

It's finally my most awaited period.


Oh wait. I forgot about something. Or rather someone.

"Dimple guy! Wait up!" I make my way towards him.

"Dimple guy? Really?" He chuckles.

"Well you have dimples, and you're a guy, so dimple guy." I explain.

I know he's William's friend Ryder due to James blabbering but dimple guy suits him much better.

"So original." He continues chuckling.

"So I was wondering if you would like to eat lunch with us?"

"Yeah, sure Livy. I'm sure you're better company than Will."

"Livy? That's new. Oh and you can bring William along as well." I chuckle.

"Well what can I say, I'm original." He shrugs and smirks, giving emphasis on 'original'.

We part ways to go to the only place we can call ours in this school and use it to store important stuff in case of emergency.

Otherwise known as a locker.

⏩⏩Time skip⏩⏩

"So are you new to this town or just this school?" Lexi questions Dimple guy.

"Town as well. Will and I moved here along with our families."

"So why'd you move?Any specific reason?" She asks looking him in the eye.

I swear Lexi's hidden talent is interrogation.

"Uhm, well our town just wasn't the same and it brought back too many memories, so we left." he answers uncomfortably.

"Stop scaring dimple guy Lexi." I say.

"Dimple guy?" James questions sitting down at our table.

"Well he has dimples and he's a guy, so dimple guy." I explain yet once again.

"Aw, you have such cute dimples!" Lexi gushes.

Yup. She was the one interrogating him a moment ago.

"Thanks but I prefer the term sexy. You're pretty cute too." Ry says, all his uncomfortableness washing away in meagre second.


"Aww, you're so sweet." Lex replies.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see James clenching his fists.

I'm about to ask what's wrong but Ry speaks before me.

"Hey will! Come sit here!" Ryder calls him upon seeing him.

Our eyes lock.

My green ones and his hazel ones.

He turns around and leaves abruptly.

What in the world just happened?

Again might I add.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter please vote and comment.

What did you think of this chapter?

Also, do you like math or dislike it like Liv?

See y'all next Sunday!


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