Chapter 27

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"So why'd you move to this town?" She asks

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"So why'd you move to this town?" She asks.

"Um, let's just say that's a story for another time."

"Okay." She replies, not prying which is one of the things I like about her.

"Here we are. I'll take Ry back to my place since his parents probably wouldn't wanna see him like this." I say stopping the car in front of her house.

"Thanks for dropping me." She smiles and I notice how her eyes sparkle like tiny stars.

"No problem." I reply.

"Goodnight." She says and walks towards her door.

I wait for her to safely reach inside before starting the car back up.

I reach home and carry Ry to a spare room. I plop him on the bed.

"Will and Liv, sitting under a tree. KISS…" he mumbles in his sleep making me chuckle.


"My head is pounding." Ry mutters under his breath.

"That's called a hangover my friend." I reply earning a glare from him.

"Everyone's meeting at a coffee shop a few blocks away. C'mon let's go." I say reading the text.

"Can you talk anymore louder!" Ry exclaims.

"Let's go." I say grabbing my keys from the counter.

Ryder follows me whining into the car.

"Music?" I ask.

"Do you want me to die?"

"Probably. Yes." I reply, earning another glare.

"You're the worst!" He whines like a kid.

"What happened last night?" He asks.

"Well you drank a lot, then flirted with a girl by telling her that her face looked so cakey and if anyone was hungry, they could eat it. Then you whined and fell asleep in my car." I explain.

"Great. Just great. What did the girl do though?"

"She walked away." I chuckle.

"Ughhh." He groans, holding his head between his hands.

"Are we there yet? Being in this car is making my head hurt even more!" He whines.

"You have eyes. Use them."

"Great fucking thinking genius!" He replies sarcastically.

I find the place and park my car.

As soon as we enter the place, a strong aroma of different types of coffee fills my nose.

"Ah! I'm in heaven!" Ry exclaims.

I look around for everyone and pull Ryder with me when I see them.

Olivia is the first one to notice us.

"Thank God you guys are here. I don't think I'd be able to handle anymore of these two."

"What happened to Ry?" Lexi asks.

"Hangover." Ry mutters.

"Do you remember anything? What about when I say cake?" Olivia teases.

"Ugh. I can't believe I said that." Ry groans.

"Well you did." I smirk while everyone else chuckles.

"So we have the whole day free, any ideas on what we could do?" Olivia asks.

"Carnival?" James asks.

"Nope nope nope, just not anytime soon." Olivia denies while Alexis chuckles.

Doesn't Olivia like carnivals though?

"What about paintballing?" I ask.

"Yesss. I love going there!" Alexis exclaims.

"Paintballing it is then. Everyone in?" Olivia asks.

"You guys go ahead. I'm gonna head home." Ry says holding his head in his hands.

"Okay. So rest everyone is in right?"

Everyone else mutters in agreement.


"Okay so what are the teams?" Olivia asks as we grab our guns and get ready.

"Well Lexi is with me." James says pulling Alexis to his chest.

"Not today. It's girls against boys." Alexis says.

"So it's Lex and I, and James and William." Olivia says in confirmation.

"Ready? Go!" We hear someone shout and separate into our teams.

"So any strategy?" I ask.

"Let's separate. I'll go after Lexi and you go after Liv." James suggests.

"Sure." I agree and start moving in the direction in which I think Olivia went.

I move around aimlessly for some time with no trace of anyone.

"Hey! That wasn't fair!" I hear James shout and follow his voice.

I peek over to see that he's out and Alexis is standing right behind him.

Suddenly I feel something on my back.

"Gotcha." Someone whispers in my ear.

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