Altaire's Sixth Birthday (1)

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Day 21 Month 9, it's Altaire-oniichan's special day!

Yes, today is his sixth birthday!

Sixth birthday is special because it marks the age where one reaches their maximum mana capacity and how they are welcome to participate in society gatherings, especially for nobles!

Since I am his little sister, I am allowed to participate in Altaire-oniichan's Debut Party! Obviously, I am getting busy because my grandparents are coming and I also need to dress up!!

The royal family is also invited but I doubt they'd come. After all, it is unusual for the royal family to grace themselves on some noble's parties, especially birthday parties. Even if we are the members of the Four Dukes! At the most, the king will come if he is not busy. But let's not expect too much. I can't deny that I am curious to know how the crown prince looks like in his... adult form? And how he is after he becomes the king.

Nevertheless, I must really dress up and behave appropriately! Alt-nii is the star in this party, but that doesn't mean I can escape the nobles' judgement, even as a 3-year-old!

Also... debut party... incoming nobles... That means... the Grabberton family would also be present, right?


I don't know if I can keep my poker face and feign as much ignorance as possible if I were to face them directly!! I need to speak only if necessary.

Oh, even if the party is usually held in the noble's house, those with small houses may rent a venue. So, Alt-nii's birthday party is held at the old Hartmann's house. For the preparations, the Sanctuaria family helped us a lot in terms of maids and other workers. Niina, Vince, and Chloe's relatives also came to help, and so they would be allowed to attend the party as well!

This will be my first time being in the middle of the crowd after my reincarnation. Of course I'd be a little nervous, even if I am only a side character. But Altaire might be more nervous than I am. He would be standing in front of all the audiences. Yes, he will stand in the middle of the taller-than-other-grounds stage in the middle of the large hall!! It was formerly the audience room and also the living room of the huge Hartmann house, and it was modified for parties like this. This large and luxurious house could have been my house, but, well, I don't really care for the luxury. Can't say I don't miss all the luxury and convenience I had as Reinst, but I won't trade the warmth of family that I know in this life for any luxury.

I can't imagine how Altaire-nii is doing right now! He must be peeking from behind the stage nervously!!




Instead of him peeking the hall from behind the stage, the one who has been constantly peeking is me.

As for Alt-nii...

"Clavis, prepare yourself well! Don't you remember that you need to stand beside me at the stage? You are my appointed butler, after all~ My companion~!" Alt-nii grinned while teasing Clavis.

Clavis-nii seems very flustered and can't imagine the idea of him being in the center of the attention, with all the nobles looking at him.

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