"Mother" and "Little Brother"

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"Hmm, ah, you are so similar to your big brother, huh," Dahlia-san said with her usual signature fan covering her mouth.

Wait, this fan she's using seems fancier than the one she used in the past. Time really has changed everything.

Anyway, I have snapped from the conflicting thoughts inside my head.

Though... I feel like the atmosphere here has changed, but I wonder if it's just my imagination?

Could it be my mental condition, as I'm feeling quite stressed here?

"T, thank you for coming to my sixth birthday party," I politely curtseyed.

"Right, congrats on your debut to noble society, little girl," she set aside her fan and smiled. That was the kind of smile I was used to seeing in the past.

As of now, I'm looking at the lady in front of me. Her perfume scent has changed for a bit, and I can see the signs of aging affecting her figure, her skin, and her hair.


"Hmm, right. The way you conduct yourself is indeed worthy of praise. At such a young age, too. Obviously, my late daughter was better at it, but considering your age, it's not that bad," she commented.

'My late daughter was better at it...'

Do you know... I was your late daughter.

I am the same person as your late daughter, although right now I am assuming different identity.

My soul—our souls are one and the same.

However, there is no way I can say that.

...Mother, I have so many things I want to ask you.

Have you ever loved me for I am, not for my achievements?

Were you really glad for having given birth to me?

Did you feel sad when you knew I was dead?

Did you regret not pampering me more when I was alive?

Or were you only regretful because you won't have your daughter becoming the queen?

...this is not good, I can feel that stingy sensation in my eyes—I can't become teary in front of her.

"Thanks for the compliment, Dahlia-sama...," I can only say that.

Despite having so many things I actually want to say.

...right, perhaps God indeed made me reincarnate in order to learn all those things—not only the fate of my cell donor. However, with how everything is, how will I be able to get the answers?

There is no way I can ask her... not like this. No. I don't want everyone to know who I was.

But I want to know... how she really felt about me—about Reinst.

"Your late daughter must have been very good at conducting herself in noble lady's manners, then?"

...I said it.

I managed to say it.

My former mother who was about to step aside to let my former little brother stand in front of me, quickly halted her movement and looked back at me with her stern gaze.

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