Revisiting the Treasury

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"Eh? Did you just arrive as well? What a coincidence!"

Nicole, who was still talking with Ein in front of the Treasury Room, noticed our presences and greeted us.

"Nicole-san, hello," Mom curtly greeted her.

"Ophelia-san, it's good to see that you're doing well."

Then, Nicole's gaze made its way to... who else could it be? Me.

"Lyra-chan, long time no see!"

"Aunt—Nicole-san, it's good to see you again!" I posed as an ordinary girl and tried to put my sincerity.

Well, it can't be helped, I'm still a bit not sure how I should face her...

"It's just the two of you?" Mom suddenly asked.

"Me? Yeah, it's just Eine and me now."

"Why, isn't it rare? I heard that your husband attended meetings and other social pleasantries more often than you. And it's even more usual to see you two together than just you alone."

...Mom oddly spoke a lot!!

I mean, Mom isn't the type of someone to talk a lot to someone she's not so familiar with... Now I'm curious if Mom and Nicole have some kind of relationships—I mean, in terms of their occupations or positions...

"Haha, that's true. Clyde's out for another business meeting, so I'm the only one coming now," Nicole laughed.

"...No, even if he can attend, I will also be here. It's a crucial matter after all. And if push comes to shove, we'll have to join hands again and...," Nicole continued, but she then left her words hanging.

"...You're right. As the Head of the Royal Magician, I will do my best to assist."


I can't stand it anymore.

"Uhm... Mom, do you often do collaboration with Nicole-san? What's that about?"

"Hm? Yes, Lyra. She is the head of the Loera family, after all."

...Mom, thank you, but that didn't answer my question at all.

Nicole chuckled as she seemed to see the big question mark on my head.

"Because I am the head of the Loera family that is also a direct bloodline of the Loera family... Well, you already know that my husband is married into my family. As I'm in that position, I also act as some kind of an advisor when needed. That is the special duty of the head of the Loera clan. As your mother is the Head of the Royal Magicians, if the next course of action taken requires her cooperation, we will have to work together."

I was almost distracted by Nicole's fluid explanation!!

Wow, she has really grown up! Back then, she couldn't really explain things this well to others! She just thought that the others would understand what she understood...

When she talked about things I (Reinst) didn't really understand, I didn't bother to respond and nod them away... She would then sulk and tried to explain in a horrible way!

That sure brings back memories...

"I see... thanks for explaining, Nicole-san!"

"Haha, anything for you, Lyra-chan. Aah, I'd like to have a daughter as well...," Nicole suddenly lamented.

Do your best, Nicole, Clyde! You two are still young, so I'm sure you can do it if you try!

...Or is it not only a matter of trying hard or not?

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