The Plan (1)

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"You know, you can entrust your children to us, if that's the case," King Titus said to Cyan after hearing Cyan's plan.

"We can't afford to bother the royal family that much. The other nobles might get angry if we continue to receive special treatment," Cyan answered.

"But, Cyan, Ophelia... Wouldn't it be risky?" Shaula asked.

"Queen Shaula... Yes, it would still be risky. But it's better than letting them get what they want. And we can't afford to cause any more troubles in the noble society for getting special treatments from the royal family," Cassie answered.

"Besides, you would be visiting your parents in the royal villa this holiday, right?" Cyan asked the king.

"Yes, but still, when we return, we can take care of your children. Furthermore, we can keep it a secret from the others."

"There is no need to rush, you can take your time there. The previous king and queen would be sad if their grandchildren only visited them for a short time. Besides, it would be troublesome if the news of our continued special treatment is being spread to the others, so let's not take that long-term risk."

The two men kept debating.

Cassie then heaved a long sigh and decided to cut them off.

"Besides, it's a good chance for the children to take a look at the other places far away from here. I think Lyra really needs that experience."

"Ah, so you also had that in mind?" Shaula asked.

"Yes. I don't know what caused her to have that extreme insecurity... since the East Area of Riviera is the border of Riviera to Naraka, the Oni country, most people are not bothered by [Dark] magic at all... though some may still be prejudiced."

"That is true. Bad prejudices against [Dark] magic is more severe in West Area that borders Riviera to Cielle, the elven kingdom. I know, since I originated from there," Shaula made a wry smile.

"And that is why we devised this plan."

"I see... But still, please be careful," Shaula finally gave in. King Titus sighed.

Both Cyan and Cassie are so hard to persuade once they have made up their minds. However, they know that the two of them won't be so careless.

"Cyan, make sure to check the Habbah city's port while you're at it. Who knows we might be able to gain some information regarding the activities there."

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty~," Cyan replied in an obvious tone.

It has been years since he's worked as a spy, so he would know what to do without being told.

"Oi, oi, you really have a good manner in front of the king, you know?" Titus teased Cyan a little.

"Of course! I have always displayed my best manner in front of the king, way even when he was still a mere crown prince!"

"And that is what I like about you, haha!" Titus grinned.

"...your taste is so weird, Titus," Shaula inserted her comment. One that she's going to regret.

"Oh? But you are included in that weird taste of mine, then!" Titus used his wife's comment back.

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