Sudden Turn of Events

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"Not fair! You're a dragon!!" Alt-nii protested while coughing.

"...I have limited my power so that it's more or less equal to you. It's not even my full power yet!"

"But you've got those wings!! That's cheating!!"


I stared dumbfoundedly at Alt-nii as he still had the nerve to protest—could it be that he doesn't want to admit his lost?

Still, it makes sense. No matter how you look at it, this is not a really fair game...

"With this, the wonderful match between Carbuncle-chan and Altaire-kun has ended! It's Carbuncle-chan's victory! However, Altaire-kun's impressive that he could put all the resistance! Let's give a round of applause to the two of them!"

Shekai-san announced happily—her tone of voice contained that of a relief. She seemed to be so relieved that it all has ended.

As I sensed the separating barrier that was put around the fighting ground was canceled, I quickly rushed to the fighting ground again, so that I could go to Alt-nii's side.

"Ah, Ly—"


I felt like hearing Luca, Kiri, and Iris' pleading voices, but my mind seemed to filter them out as I'm only thinking of Alt-nii at the moment.

"Aah, here I thought you could amuse me...," Carbuncle's sigh echoed through the whole venue.

"Seems like that's it for Non-Draconis?"


Before Alt-nii could respond to Carbuncle, I finally reached the grounds and called out to him.


I finally could stop running. Ah, finally! It's time to catch my breath again!!

I need some breath of life after all that running!!

But wait...

"Hey, Carbuncle-san, is it? If you want a non-draco... I mean, an opponent of the other races that could fight you on equal grounds and amuse you, shouldn't you be looking for the powerful adults? Like the head of knight, or anyone else... It doesn't make sense to me that you're looking for an opponent to amuse you in an academy! What's more, from the Basic Level!!"

I managed to make a complaint to her remark just before—even when I was gasping...

I didn't have to look at the audience's area to know that Kiri must have twitched when I mentioned his adoptive father's title—uhh, forgive me, my dear friend!! His title naturally came to my mind as I always thought of the Head of the Royal Knights highly even during my life as Reinst—it's kind of ingrained in my mind.

...Okay, perhaps my subconsciousness worked fine and saved my mom's title from all this mess.

"I heard that exceptional young people are usually found in this academy. I actually only planned to observe the young Non-Draconis in this academy and learn more about them. But I changed my mind when I came across this Void user. I also sensed... ah, well, my main purpose wasn't to look for an opponent. But I wanted him to amuse me in the fight. Really, really."

Carbuncle shrugged her shoulders and heaved a long sigh.

"...But, but! We're still kids!! Don't expect something that high from us! You'd learn better from the adults! Alt-nii's almost a pure human anyway, if you want a stronger opponent, you should try the other races" I protested again.

"Eeh? But I heard that humans are quite awesome?! My friend, a dragon princess from the other kingdom told me about her wonderful experience with the humans... so I had high expectations especially towards you humans!!"

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