Rurune, in Battle

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"Time for me to launch an attack back!" Alt-nii exclaimed.

Very unexpectedly, at that moment, Rurune's dissatisfied growl could be heard.


It seemed that she was annoyed that we continued to fight while ignoring her paralyzed state.

"Sorry, Rurune! Wait until the effect wears off, okay?!" Alt-nii brushed her off just like that.

"Ruuuuu!!" Rurune's dissatisfied voice raised.

At that time, Alt-nii's hand which was directed at me, ready to attack me, was suddenly pulled to Rurune's direction as a wave of [Void] magic was unleashed to Rurune.

"Eh?!" Odd enough, Alt-nii yelled in his surprise.


After the wave of [Void] magic touched Rurune, she suddenly could move again... without suffering any effect from the [Void] magic wave. Rather, it seemed like she was invigorated after receiving the [Void] magic!

"How did you do that, Rurune...?!" Alt-nii was still surprised.

My mind was about to wander off in my curiosity before I realized that the match was still ongoing.

I looked at Kiri and Harvey's direction... and I had an idea!

Without further ado, I dashed off to Harvey from behind him and...

[Frêosan] (Freeze)!

I cast a spell to freeze the target—and ice began to envelop Harvey.


Harvey managed to let out that scream before my ice magic trapped him frozen completely.

I knew I should just break his crystal brooch, but this was what I could do from my position. After all, freezing him like this would have the similar effect like destroying his crystal brooch. I just had to keep Alt-nii occupied to prevent him from using his [Void] magic to cancel my [Freeze] spell.

Yep, if my opponent's team had the idea of ganging up on one person and eliminate them one by one, then I could take their strategy as well!

Kiri seemed to be taken aback for a moment before he locked eyes with me. I tried to tell him via my eyes that it was time for us to go to the next target: Clavis.

As he seemed to catch my intention, Kiri nodded and we dashed off to Clavis.

Alt-nii seemed to snap out of his daze and noticed the situation turning sour, so he dashed off to help Clavis defend himself against us.

In the meantime, Ein let out some commands to direct their team's defense to a better method. That was how—although it was three against two, Alt-nii and Clavis could still defend themselves well.

While we were focused on attacking the two of them, Rurune stealthily went to approach the frozen Harvey and... that was when the unthinkable happened.

The moment Rurune's paws touched my ice magic that enveloped Harvey, the ice started to thaw... and thus, Harvey was freed.

I noticed the whole situation happening from the edge of my vision—and it surprised me a lot that I had my eyes taken off from my opponents.

Is that Rurune's power...?!

"Lyra, careful!"

Iris seemed to notice how the enemies wanted to attack me while I was caught off guard.

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