Independent Magic Training Session!

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After some sessions of magic training with Mom, I was given the thick book of basic magic. (Obviously, I requested for it! Mom was surprised, but she delightfully handed her book over to me. It's a hand-me-down book from Mom!!)

In my free time, I read the book and noticed Mom's handwriting. The writing wasn't as neat as Mom's current handwriting, so it must be from when she was a child, too.

Somehow, I feel as if my bond with Mom is strengthening, just by discovering things like this.

I feel so happy for getting her old book, compared to getting a new, unused version of the book.

It's weird, but that's what I feel.

The thick book is quite like the dictionary of basic magic, containing information on all types of magic inside, along with the basic chants.

"Lyra, don't forget to read them carefully, especially the rules. For now, just strengthen the magic we've already practiced."

"Rules... page... hmmm."

[1. Pray before you practice!

2. Read each section carefully and consult your tutor if there is something you don't understand.

3. Injuring others in training is a no-no!

4. ...]

I flipped the page after reading some points that are way too obvious. No wonder, this book is written so that children can easily understand them, but I'm mentally older, so stop telling me something very obvious!

"Geh, boring, it's just some stuffs I already know, let's just move on!"

I skimmed through the pages in the book.

Surprisingly, the book has a section for [Void]!

...Oops, the section for [Void] is only one page long.

Hmm, I wonder if Alt-nii trained using other more complicated book? Or a more ancient book? He wouldn't be able to train using this book. No wonder Mom handed this book to me, not Alt-nii.

Ah, right!

Let me clarify this. I am not a diligent person. It's just that I will pursue the thing that I'm interested in.

But I can force myself to learn something if it's required. I've been thoroughly trained to do that~!

Eh? It's kinda sad for me to announce it proudly?

Uhhh, but it's something that not everyone can bear to do, after all.

So, obviously I'm proud that I've developed that skill~

During my break time—meaning: my time to leisurely relax at home, I decided I would try to do an independent magic study, in addition to the independent Hartmann secret arts training~!

It's been almost half a year since I started training my magic.

Within these months, Mom said I have quite a good aptitude in learning magic. Is this the gift from God, or is this the influence of being born from two amazing magicians?

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