...and Iris!

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And that's how I made my first female friend and a pinky promise with her in an instant.

"Hehe, thank you, Lyra! I'm so happy about that promise!"

The girl who kept trembling just now, who seemed like a ghost—is now smiling happily and has stopped trembling.

Okay, +1 to my good deeds bank!

How many more do I need to break free of my curse—wait what no, I am not a cursed villain who needed to do how many acts of kindness to break free from my curse.

Hmm yeah, I want to reread that book, but I forgot what the title was...

"Me too! By the way, what's your number?"

"I'm number 22! What about you?"

"I'm 21! What a coincidence!"

"O-oh... I shouldn't be more nervous than you based on our order, right? Aren't you nervous, Lyra?"

She somewhat showed her apologetic expression.

No, there is no need for me to be nervous for just this. I have been through some more nerve-wrecking things, on top of getting so used to perform well as Reinst.

Nah, there is no way I can reply her that way!

I smiled and answered, "Nope!"

"Hee, Lyra is so cool! I wish I can be so brave as you..."

Brave... me?

I often had doubts in my mind.

I was afraid of many things in this life.

But this girl thinks that I'm brave.

Does that mean I'm underestimating myself too much, or it's just she's overestimating me?

But it feels nice to hear her words, and what's even more, I know that she's very sincere when she said those words.

"I'm not that brave... but maybe... it's because I have people who are there for me?"

Wait, I spoke without putting too many thoughts to my words that I even got surprised myself. Is this my real feelings?

I don't seem to be so nervous or acting stiffly because... I believe that there are people who are willing to stay by my side, supporting me?

And those people are...

My family members' faces (including Niina, Vince, Chloe, and Clavis!) and my friends' faces are popping out one by one in a rapid succession in my mind.

Because I feel somewhat touched, I feel a stinging sensation in my eyes and instinctively shift my glances to the ceilings.

I don't know since when it is, but I think I am free from the doubts clouding my mind, about how they will all just stay away from me if I show them any of my flaws or anything that they don't like.

Instead of wishing for things to stay this way for just a bit longer, I'm thinking of tomorrow. Have I begun to take things for granted? Or it's just my adaptive skills?

"...That's nice...," Iris muttered.

"Hmm? Obviously, Iris also has some people who will be there for you, right?"

"Eh? You think so?"

"Yeah, I mean, at the very least, I know that you have me here!"

Iris' eyes widened as she remembered how I would be rooting for her. She then smiled widely—ah, how lovely.

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