The Plan (2) a.k.a The Sudden Training Session!

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We are standing in front of the big mirror right now.

"All this time, you've been practicing to alter yourself by covering your body in mana, right?"


"That's the art of illusion magic. As for transformation magic... the two of them are quite similar but the essence is different. In transformation magic, you pour your mana to your body and change it. Yes, it won't just be an illusion, but your actual body will feel the sensation of changing."

"...Pouring... my mana?"

"Yes. It is harder—but wanna try it?"

I nodded, and proceeded to close my eyes—trying to pour my mana to one of my eye—yup, changing the color of it seems the easiest thing to do.

When I tried to pour my mana in my eye—I feel a tingling sensation! It feels weird!!

Perhaps it showed in my expression, as Alt suddenly asked.

"Are you feeling weird, Lyra?"

"Uhhh, yeah, it's... ticklish or... I can't really explain. It's weird."

"Well, this is the tricky part. Try to focus even when you are feeling that sensation and try altering your body part that you just poured your mana in."


I tried to do as instructed and opened both of my eyes once I felt like I've done it.


My red eye turned slightly blue—yes, slightly.

"Congrats, Lyra, you've got the feel of transformation magic. How is it?"

" is harder to do... and my body feels weird."

"Well, of course, since you're essentially altering your body... and that is why, for normal people, transformation magic is hard to do and dangerous. Since we have our or—I mean, secret arts, we can actually do transformation magic without such difficulty. That's why I told you two to keep it quiet—even to my fellow spies that would come along."

"G-got it, Dad!"

Before, Dad seemed to slip on some words—and I had my suspicion on it—but how should I confirm it? That the secret arts could be... And that he's slipping because he is conflicted as he hasn't fully explained it yet to me, but there's Altaire that seems to already know a lot.

"Eh, Dad, if you and Mom are working, will we be left alone or will we come along?"

Alt-nii's sudden question made me lose my chance to confirm my suspicion.

"No worries, at least one of the spies would be staying to take care of you two when we are departing for the action."

"Is... it really okay for us to come? Won't we just hinder your work?" I asked timidly.

"No, it's the common practice for us during group operation. At least one person will be left behind, so just in case we got into some kind of troubles, we can always have back-ups."

"...will they be fine with babysitting, though?"

"Hahaha! It's fine. They are my comrades—my best friends."

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