The Treasury Again?!

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From that day onward, Ein really did reflect on his behavior! He really listened to my words—I felt like a proud big sister!

He stopped behaving in a stalker-ish way and got along well with my other friends, although I could feel that he was slightly more attached to me since he saw me as a sister figure.

After I stopped myself from trying to keep up a pretense in front of him, interacting with Ein didn't feel stressful at all. On the contrary, it was fun. Having a younger figure looking up to you feels nice, actually.

I didn't get to taste it with my past self's younger brother... Well, that was partly my fault for harboring a dislike to Domi back then, right after he was born.

Either way, things didn't seem to be as bad as I thought it would be if I were to stop putting up my defense in front of Ein.

Obviously, I tried my best to be a good big sister and corrected his wrong ways like how a real elder sister would. For example, this child's innocence clinginess that resembled a stalker's way... It got better day by day. Apparently, due to my acceptance of him, he managed to calm down as well.

Well... This incidence... I predict that it will most likely haunt Ein in the future as one of his 'dark' childhood secrets, mwahaha!

--No, I'm a good and kind elder sister, okay?

That was just a joke, teehee~.

It's not like I will definitely make fun of him in the future with this incidence... maybe.

It all depends on how he will grow up in the future~!

...Right. Because my mental is already developed, it doesn't seem like I will have a very drastic change in personality... maybe? But I wonder how about my other friends?

They will surely grow up and develop their personalities further.

It would be nice if we could stay good friends even when they have all grown up.

Yes, I will make sure that happens.

Today, Ein learned that dragons normally use treasure chests as wardrobe replacement.

"Eh?! REALLY?! I'd like to see, I'd like to see! Please, big sis Kuuuuuu?!"

Ein's eyes sparkled as he leaned forward to request Carbuncle to show him her treasure chest. I felt like Ein was so similar to a dog wagging his tail in his excitement—KUUUH, CUTE!!

"Sure, I can show you the dragons' proud treasure chests!!" Carbuncle said with her chest puffed.

"Ah... How nostalgic...," Iris clapped her hands in front of her chest.

Really, these days, I felt like I became more and more tomboy, with Iris doing feminine things... It must be due to my environment, yes!

"Nostalgic?" Ein who just went 'yay, yay~!' suddenly asked in curiosity.

"Well, we went as far as visiting the Capicastle's Treasury Room to observe treasure chests...," I recounted our experience back then.

"...Treasury... Room? Capicastle?"


I realized Ein had this 'calculating' look, and that was when I had a premonition...

"I want to go there, too! I want to visit the Treasury Room and do [Treasure Chest Observation] as well!!"


"Well, that is--," I looked at Luca. Help!

"...Hey, what's with that look? Even if I live there, I still have to ask for Father and Mother's permission. We can't just go there without any notice."

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