The Twins Meeting Leticia

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Several days after the twins' fifth birthday party, it was time for having the twins learn how to socialize! In other words, it's introduction time for them~

Yes. When I asked Mom and Dad when I could possibly introduce my little siblings to my friends, they told me about the twins' imminent fifth birthday and how we could start introducing the twins after that.

That being said, there was no way I could just bring the twins along to school. For now—I guess let's just bring the twins to Capicastle and introduce them to Leticia~!

Leticia and the twins should be at the same age, so I really think they could be best friends! Furthermore, their birthdays were in the same month~ So close in age~!

With that hope in mind, we departed to Capicastle that weekend.


The small, adorable red-haired little girl quickly made her way to me right after I entered the room. The room was some sort of a playground for the royal children to spend their time in.

Luca and Kiri were also there, accompanying Leticia to play.

"Whoa, hey, Leticia! No greetings for me?"

My big brother teasingly stood between Leticia and me as he spread his arms at Leticia. Sure enough, as a response to this annoying tease, Leti sulked.

"Altaire, move!" Leticia demanded.

"Aww, you're no fun, Leti! Why don't you call me Alt-nii as usual?" Alt-nii teased Leti again.

"Because Altaire is making me angry!" Leti replied, "Besides, Leti already has a Nii-sama, Luca-nii!"

...Allow me to explain.

Leti usually would address Alt-nii the same way I addressed him. But whenever Leti is upset at Alt-nii (most probably due to his teasing—understandable though, as Leti's sulking face is also cute!), she would not acknowledge him.

Oddly enough, Luca didn't mind to Leticia addressing Alt-nii like that. I thought his brotherly sense would get tickled and he'd get jealous! Not fun, Luca, not fun.

While the bickering continued, the twins who were standing behind me would often stick out their heads to see what was happening.

The oblivious Leticia suddenly noticed the presence of the twins and stopped bickering with Alt-nii.

"Huh? Who are they?"

Glad you asked!

Realizing that Leticia's mind was no longer on him and their bickering, Alt-nii moved to let Leticia approach me and the figures behind me.

I'm so excited to finally introduce them to her!

We mentioned the thing about the twins in front of Leticia before, but I guess she didn't quite get it and didn't feel the existence of the twins yet. Or could she have already forgotten that I had acquired little siblings...?

Ah, no matter, let's just introduce them~

As Leticia walked closer to me, I grabbed the twins' hands and guided them to stop hiding behind me. They were quite timid since it was their first time coming to Capicastle.

The twins were standing on my left and right sides. Leticia stopped walking and seemed to be stunned at the appearance of the two similar-looking children.

"Eh...?" Leti unconsciously blurted out.

The twins were also looking at Leticia intently. Being a good and understanding big sister, I stepped back to let the young children get acquainted to one another.

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