Turning Eight

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"Rise and shine, today's princess~!"

I woke up to Niina's cheerful call.

"Morning, Niina!"

I usually would be more relaxed and do the legendary 5 more minutes thing... but I couldn't today, since today would be my eighth birthday!

My seventh birthday ended without anything out of the ordinary except for a little uneasiness and anxiety I felt upon meeting my old acquaintances... That didn't last long since my conversation with them was so brief anyway. That heavy feeling didn't last for so long, much to my relief.

However, that didn't mean I could finally let my guard down. I had no clairvoyant ability, so I wouldn't know what might happen... I'd better be cautious, still!

So, needless to say... I couldn't really sleep well last night (it usually happened before any big events anyway), and that was why my legendary 5 more minutes didn't appear.

As usual, Mom and Dad would take an early leave if their jobs required them to stay for a while—although most of the time, they already finished doing their work prior to my birthday... Because they were originally diligent, it wasn't that hard for them...

That made me realize... As their child, I'd have to follow such a high example!!

This year, I'm turning eight. Time flew by so fast. Before long, I'd have to say goodbye to my childhood again, and becoming an adult for real.


I'm an adult inside for most of the time, but here, I'm talking about how I'll officially be acknowledged as an adult, robbing me of any benefits I can reap for being a child.

When I think about it, birthdays are no longer fun, but what else can be done?

I learned that the present was the most important thing, so let's focus on the present!

As I was preparing for the party, I suddenly recalled one thing.

Right, there's one more thing I need to pay attention to!

Ein just turned six several months ago—he might actually attend my birthday party this time!!


Why is it that life seems to get more complicated the more you grow up... T__T


"Ooh, the Hartmann family's youngest daughter!! You've grown up!"

"Oh my, you've grown cuter!"

"Has there been an engagement decided for you, little lady?"

As soon as I finished my opening speech, I was welcomed with the nobles' comments. ...Somehow, it was different from how I was complimented in the past? In the past, I heard the word "elegant" and "noble" and "calm" the most... They praised me for being so sensible.

Still, being praised for my "cuteness" was something that felt nice!

My face as Reinst was nothing that could really be described with cute... people would describe it as... pretty? Did I remember being called as a cold beauty as well? ...Well, different genes, different facial features!

Today, the dress I was wearing also screamed the word "cute". I was afraid it wouldn't suit me—but I forgot that I wasn't Reinst anymore, who wasn't that suited wearing cute things. The dress suited me perfectly, even I was so surprised upon seeing myself in the mirror.

There were frills here and there, and the accessories picked were also cute!

My hair was twintailed as usual—but this time, it was a low twintail style. My hair was also styled so that it looked a bit wavy, which made me look like... a little bunny(?). I was glad I decided to let my hair grow longer, since I won't be able to be styled like this if I kept it short. Still, it could only be categorized as medium-length.

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