Last One in the Menu: Magic Exam! (1)

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Shortly after, I joined the other kids who were taking the magic exams.

Instead of having the exam at an open field just like the physical combat exams, the children who signed up for the magic exam were taken to a stadium—the style reminds me of a colosseum.

The number of children participating in magic exam... is way fewer than the ones signing up for the physical combat exams. I guess it has something to do with how only a few parents trained their children's magic before they turned 6? From what the children talked about, I quickly understood that most of us here are from a magician family.

There are also some children older than 6 years old who just enrolled. No wonder they would take the magic exams.

Ah right, since there was the first batch of children who took the magic exams during when I took my swordsmanship exam, that also contributed significantly to the few number of children I'm seeing.


When we entered the stadium, we saw some teachers with magician robes eagerly waiting for us.

"The next batch of the magician world's future is here!"

...the most eccentric lady lifted her hands up in the sky and announced happily.

Uh, thanks?

She then adjusted her glasses—ah, since her hair is short, I can see how her glasses has chains equipped on it. She is wearing a hat typical to a witch... yup, could she be the head of examiners here?

"Greetings, our future children! We are happy to welcome you here! This colosseum is equipped with magic barriers so there's no need to worry. The exam will be held simultaneously based on the type of magic you want to demonstrate. I believe all of you are trained at some degree in magic, so you should have figured out which is one is your forte. The offensive magicians will be with me, the defensive magicians will be with the teacher on my right, and the other type magicians will be with the teacher on my left! Now, go and get lined up!!"

The same lady quickly announced and clapped her hands to hurry us off.

...Uhm, I will pick the offensive one, I think...

For now, I will put aside the lady's eccentric-ness...(?)

"Ah, welcome, future offensive magicians!! I'm happy to be with you right here, right now! Now, let's go to the rule—"

Before she managed to say the rule, the teacher who was assigned to lead us—let me call them the assistant—whispered something to that lady.

"Hmm? I haven't introduced myself and the other ones? The others are introducing themselves now? Ah, okay!" She gestured the assistant to go away as she understood what the assistant meant...

"Ahem! You can just call me Miss Norma. Now, off to the rules... There will be several targets of your attacks, most of them are not moving, and there will be a few moving targets. All you need to do is to focus on attacking the targets. I will observe your power and aptitude in magic. Oh, the targets are made using magical devices. Understood?"

...I understand, but you spoke too fast...

Some of the children only stared blankly at Miss Norma, who is definitely not normal.

The worried assistant gestured to Miss Norma so she could repeat the whole thing in a slower speed... and so, she did.


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