Against A Dragon...?!

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Reunion is always a beautiful thing, but...

I'm sorry Mister Earth, I don't actually like being reunited with you like this...

"Lyra, no!"

Alt-nii ran towards me and shook my body quickly.


"Ahaha, one down, now you're the only one left, Tair!"

Carbuncle's happy voice resounded as I remained at my previous position, embracing Mister Earth completely.


Alt-nii quickly ran, leaving me behind as he approached the dragon girl and went full offensive.

Luckily enough, I can still see the scene projected before me completely fine.

Alt-nii... please, succeed!

[Scearseax windan!] (Razor Wind)

[Void ball!]


Alt-nii summoned several attacks, from sharp blades of wind, balls of void energy, and lastly, he poured his [Life] magic to nearby small rocks, as some small spirit-like creatures formed from the rocks and flew away to chase Carbuncle.

"Ha, getting desperate, aren't you?!"

Carbuncle easily dodged everything and finally stopped right next to me—as the attacks that Alt-nii performed somehow led her there.

Though I was right beside her, she didn't pay any attention to me and focused her gaze on Alt-nii. Well, yes, after destroying my crystal pendant, I was no longer seen as a potential threat to her.



I put all my remaining strength to my feet, accelerating my speed with [Wind] magic as I leaped towards her from her side.

My hands moved to reach the gift that Alt-nii gave to me, the peculiar metallic hair accessories that I used to tie my hair to form the current twintails. As told by Alt-nii before, I managed to combine the pair of hair accessories very easily as they just combined their parts on their own once I brought them closer—then, I used it as a knuckle.

With the remaining mana I have, I poured my [Ice] magic to the knuckle.

As my feet touched the dragon girl's shadow, I chanted the [Dark] magic that would stop her movement from her shadow in my mind.

After doing that, I jumped and aimed my knuckle at her pendant...

That's when she noticed my presence!

"Wha...?!" She looked at me with a very surprised expression as she just noticed that she couldn't move her body easily.

"How can it be?!"

She said in her surprise as my knuckle touched the crystal pendant on her chest—

Surprisingly, though I immobilized her movements using [Dark] magic, she could still summon sparks of lightning that hindered my knuckle from destroying her crystal pendant! Cracks slightly formed, but I couldn't advance due to the protective sparks.

"Ah, your crystal pendant...!!"

I smiled.

"So, you just noticed?"

Yes, my crystal pendant was severely cracked, but it hasn't been completely destroyed yet!

---Let's go back in time and see something "behind-the-scene"!---

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